Friday 28 December 2012

Christmas Eve Part 1

Christmas Eve was a wonderful night. The boys were excited as always with our Secret Santa. While we always end up knowing who has whom, it is fun shopping for these $5 gifts and wrapping them up. The boys also got to open their pajamas from gramma and grampa, and this year the boys really got a laugh - Papa Smurf! Craig was gifted four ZERO bars - his favorite, from Kaedo. Sterling gave me a 2 cup glass measuring cup that I have been coveting. Sterling got a pair of gloves from Craig that allow him to still use his touch screen cell phone while wearing the gloves, and Kaedo got a BattleShip card game from me that he and Sterling had a lot of fun playing.

Our wonderful friend L made some reindeer food for us again, and Kaeden sprinkled it all over the front lawn. If you look closely you can see him throwing it up in the air as he is jumping. Love this picture!


GrmpaGrmma said...

Great Christmas photos!! Shannon, I know you're camera shy but one picture of you would be nice! With that new camera of Kaeden's maybe he can talk you into a picture once in awhile.

The reindeer food showed up great in the shot of Kaeden throwing it.

Our company were all gone by 10:45 a.m. this morning and the house was pretty quiet. Wash was on the agenda for the rest of the morning and then I met up with my sisters to go visit mom. She wasn't in a very good mood today but by the time we left, she was abit better. Don't like seeing her like that but guess it's to be expected. Came home for a Happy Hour, supper and then Stan went off to a hockey game and I continued with the wash. Last load in dryer and just heard Broncos won 6-4.

We have a funeral to go to tomorrow. Stan's Uncle John Banman passed away here in S.C. He is Mom Klassen's only true brother. Stan was asked to be pall bearer and Robert, Leonard & Gordon are usherers.

Before we know it, it will be 2013 and we're celebrating at Gord & Sandra's place playing Canasta along with Robert & Barb. Should be a fun way to bring in the New Year.

Hope you're all enjoying your time off - BIG HUGS TO ALL!

Denis & Irene said...

Great photos and great pjs. Good on you guys for posing in them and for always being so awesome when mom asks for photos. Kaeden, that was a great shot of the reindeer nibblies being thrown in the air. We put out salad for the reindeer and cookies for Santa. The reindeer did a great job of finishing off some less than fresh greens while Santa did justice to the cookies. It was a wonderful Christmas Day. Took quite a while to open gifts, then 10 pin bowling which was a hoot and then supper at Sam's Town that took a couple of hours.

Hope I haven't repeated myself here as it's been awhile since I've had access to my computer. We have wifi at the motorhome but only one device can go on at a time. The girls have their Ipods so it's a trade off for who goes on when. Nothing like waking up to a three year old using her Ipod in the dark.

Love to all