Saturday, 8 December 2012


It's Saturday night already? Where the heck did the day go?
Craig played football this morning and the boys and I ran some errands. Then we all met up and headed to I gotta say I LOVE how close our is. Awesome! We had lunch and shopped. I must admit we only picked up five things. Yup, five. Usually we would save up our list as it was 30 minutes away. Now that it's less than 10 we can go there for 5 things. Yay me!

We brought the boys home after that and Craig and I headed out to get J and C's gifts as I need to mail them this week. Many phone calls back and forth along with pictures (thank god for cell phones) and we were successful in getting those munchkins things that we think they'll love. It has been quite a while since we had to buy toys so it took some work. It was totally worth it!

It was so nice to just go with Craig. The only alone time we have is driving to and from work together. It was nice to get this opportunity (and even hold hands - sigh) ha!

We were going to watch a movie but the guys seem to be doing "guy stuff" if there is such a thing. We'll see what tomorrow brings.

Wishing a Bon Voyage to our family out West who hard trying AGAIN to get to Disneyland. I have my fingers crossed for no blizzards this time, you guys! Have an awesome time and give Eeyore a hug for me. I love that melancholy big lug.


GrmpaGrmma said...

Will try and catch Eeyore for you Shannon and get a photo of us hugging him - HOPEFULLY!!

Love you!

Denis & Irene said...

Costco, Yay. Glad it's so close to you now. We haven't been since we've been in Vegas but plan to go next week so that we (I) can prepare all the meals we are taking with us to the Magic Kingdom. We love the hotel/apartment we stay at and look forward to going back there. It's a lot easier on the adults than eating out after a hard day of fun with two little ones in tow. Jessica is always on a mission so we either go for a minimum of 12 hours, or we don't go. It's nice to have something prepared to come home to.

Love Eeyore also

Love to all