It's Sunday morning and all is quiet here.
Kaedo is sleeping over at J's house and isn't expected home until 3:30pm. Sterling is at the bike park, Craig and Ketchup are still sleeping, and I am doing this. Not too much going on here. Just life. The weather is beautiful here and we are enjoying Fall.
As you can see, I have opened a small Etsy shop, where I am selling some of the hats I have been crocheting. Please take a look, if you like. I find crochet very calming and it soothes my anxiety. In saying that, I can't very well make 30 hats just for kicks. So, we'll see how it goes. Would love your thoughts or ideas. I'm working on some baby and kids stuff now so don't be surprised if a little cap finds its way to your house.
I was asked on Friday to attend a Mental Health Symposium on behalf of the day program I am attending. I'm not sure if it is an honor to be asked or not but I'll tamp down my crazy, dress up and show up. Should be very interesting. Only two people from my program were asked. Only the craziest ones????
This week we have soccer practice for the school team, 3 days of rep soccer tryouts, school pictures, doctor's appointments, football, a PA Day, school, work and program. It should be busy. We will also be introducing our new gnome and blog header. That will be on Tuesday or Wednesday.
Hope you have a wonderful Sunday and your week is full of lots of fun and not too much work.