Monday, 1 August 2011

This Week's Flowers

Good Morning All -
Another beautiful day here. Sterling has already gone biking and come back, Kaedo is still in bed, Craig is heading to the gym and I am waiting for a lady to come at look at my supplies. This evening I have my first Running Room class. So looking forward to that. Here are some pictures from this week's flowers. They are red sunflowers. They creep the boys out but I don't care. They are sitting at the front entry - a cute little area I have created. I am also going to take some pictures of my yoga area I created upstairs. It is a nice little sanctuary where I can do my yoga and relax. I love it. I have hung my yoga poses and other inspirational articles or pictures I have found.

Only two more days until mom and dad arrive. We are so looking forward to it. Only one more nights sleep as I never sleep the night before.

Last night we had a wicked storm. At 1am I was standing at the back door watching non-stop lightning show and torrential rain. Great for the flowers. I was quick to get up and check on them this morning to make sure that none of them had been damaged. So far so good, and Sterling doesn't have to go out and water the flowers. yay for him!

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