Saturday, 28 August 2010

New Shoes

Back to school is the bane of every parent's existence. With school supplies, new clothes and in Kaedo's case new shoes, the money flows out of your wallet faster than you can earn it. Kaedo picked out these new Adidas shoes last night and now that he is in adult sizes (8.5 mens), the cost goes up significantly. As you can tell from his old shoes, he really needed a new pair. One thing you can say about him - he wears his shoes until they can't be worn any more. He's thrilled with his new pair and now just wants to pick up a pair of blue laces to complete the look. So between that, a pair of West 49 jeans (god help name brands for stylecat kids) he seems ready to go. When we asked Sterling what he would like for back to school, he said "a new hat". He lost his favorite one sometime during his trip this summer and his ITA hat is getting a little small, so I guess on top of buying pencils, pens and scientific calculators, we will be buying a new ball cap over the next week. Have I mentioned I hate back to school shopping?


GrmpaGrmma said...

I'm sure you're not alone in the "hate back to school shopping Shannon" because when we've been shopping this week, alot of parents have "THE LOOK" while getting school supplies.

Kaeden - your new shoes look GREAT!! I guess it was time to retire the old ones but they had a good life! Hope you find a new hat you like Sterling. HAVE A GREAT SCHOOL YEAR STERLING & KAEDEN!!

It's a beautiful Saturday and Stan & I are just getting ready to head out for awhile before the Roughriders play this afternoon. I've got buns on pans and they'll be ready to bake when we get back home and we'll have fresh buns and "whatever" for supper.

Hope you're all having a great day!


P.S. - Sterling - hope you're enjoying your new birthday present - have fun!

Denis & Irene said...

Love the shoes Kaedo. The blue laces will definitely be a style plus. Sterling, what hat did you lose and where? Maybe it's in the motorhome somewhere. Baba hides his caps so that I can't throw them out and I haven't found his new hiding place.

Back to school shopping has always been hard on the wallet but I feel sorry for the parents who really don't have a wallet. The kids all want to fit in and have the cool stuff and it's not only a pressure on the parents but on the kids also. Something to be said for school uniforms and the school stationery store. I know it's an ongoing argument pro and con, but I'm sure glad that was the way it was when I went to school as my parents could never have afforded the things my peers had.

Lovely weather today for our picnic in the park in Calgary. It was warm but had an autumn feel to the air.

Love to all