Sunday, 8 August 2010

Flying Home

I think this is the only picture in existence with Amma and Baba with their four grandkids. This was taken at the airport shortly before they left Calgary. Starbucks, anyone?

The flight home was the scariest part for Craig and I as we were so scared about anything happening to Sterling. The flight crew was great. We scared Sterling and he has commented that he thinks we don't trust him as we (I) were drilling into him all the things he had to do to keep himself safe with regards to the peanuts. All I can say, is that if they do this again, I will do exactly the same thing. I would rather him be mad at me than regret not saying something. If I keep reminding him what he needs to do and nothing happens, awesome. But if something does, at least I know I did and said everything I could.

That being said, their flight home was awesome and they did great. I have never been so happy to see them. They looked awesome, were happy to be home and have wonderful memories of everything they did.

Thanks everyone, for making this possible.

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