Thursday 5 August 2010

All is right in my world

My boys are home. So happy to have them back. They did great on the flight. They had a fantastic holiday but were glad to be home. No sooner had Sterling landed was he texting his buddies and he had a 9am date with two of them this morning to head over to the skate park.

I am working days today and Kaedo was still in bed when I left, Sterling was buying music on iTunes and Craig was working. Aside from having to leave them, it was perfect.

A special thank you to our families who gave the boys a vacation they will never forget. Thank you for everything you did. A special thank you to my mom for everything she did at the airport, making sure the boys got onto their flight OK, educating the attendants and scaring them enough to make an announcement on the plane that they were travelling with a passenger with a peanut allergy and for all passengers to refrain from eating peanut products.

Pictures to be posted soon.

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