Sunday 29 August 2010


It's Sunday
It's 8:08am
Need I say more?
Sunday I sleep in. Until 10. 10:30. Not today. Sterling's annoying ring tone got me out of bed at 7:20am. N was calling to confirm they were still on for the bike park this morning. Who gets up at 7am on Sunday to go biking? Obviously kids who have no problem hopping out of bed, scarfing some Cheerios, and yelling "bye mom, text ya later". We'll see how that works out next week when I have to wake them for school!
Craig is on his way to football and I have cards to make. This afternoon will probably be spent getting back to school supplies and hanging out should the kids should they decide we are cool enough to spend some time with. (I joke - we are definitely cool enough!) If not, Craig and I will get the afternoon to hang out together. It's great that the weekend brings on the opportunity to spend time doing what you love. So glad.
Hope you have a happy Sunday, doing whatever you love to do.

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