Sunday 15 August 2010

Sterling got a Ripstick from anti for his birthday and after watching Sterling have so much fun, Kaedo decided he must get one. So, last weekend, he bought himself one as well. They have been out every day practicing and they are doing very well. I haven't got any up to date video but this is the video from each of their first days. I think they are doing great. Now they are able to go up curbs, go around pylons and really get some speed. What fun and a nice alternative to riding their bikes.

1 comment:

GrmpaGrmma said...

You're doing great guys!!!

The sun is shining here this morning but Stan checked weather forecast and he says it won't be for long!

We're off to Church this morning. We got a call around 9:00 p.m. last night and Betty Anne & Gerry are coming down for Mom K's b'day celebration and she wants us all to get together for lunch as well. Dad called everyone and we should have 11 meeting at Houston's for lunch and then over to Care Centre around 2:30 p.m. for cake and coffee.