Tuesday, 15 December 2009

Tuesday Smoozday

Sorry - no gnome picture today. The boys and I were out early this morning for once and never got the picture taken. Will do so tomorrow morning. W-I-W tomorrow. I am nervous as tonight is my work Christmas Dinner and we are going to Boston Pizza. I am already dreaming about the pepperoni pizza I am planning to have. If I put pineapple on it does it make it healthier? hmmm.
Off tomorrow. Looking forward to that. Got the last of my Christmas/Bday gifts sent off and now all I have to do is concentrate on my guys.

The weather is cool but beautiful. I am hoping for a brown Christmas. We'll see.
Kaedo said to me last night that he was looking forward to his holidays. When I asked him why he said it was because it was going to be "The 3 Guy Holiday". He is looking so forward to spending time with Craig. When asked what he wanted to do he told Craig he'd like to go out and play football and baseball. Don't know if anyone has told him it's winter.


Denis & Irene said...

Have a wonderful Christmas dinner. Yes, pineapple is healthy, just get rid of the pepperoni.

Glad you are almost finished your shopping, it can be stressful not to have most of it done by now. It's the office and friends' gifts that I'm always worried about. Did I forget anyone??? I gave my office gifts out today as it is my last official day of work, however I'm going in at 10 tomorrow and they're having a luncheon for me at noon. I'll probably stay until two as the financial statement has to get done and that's quite a feat for someone who has never done one.

I have to go to Lethbridge on Thursday for an 8.30 am appointment for my tooth which is now absessed. I guess the root canal will take place if the antibiotics work fast enough. Then back to Lethbridge on Friday for a day and evening of fun. We'll stay overnight and then head to Calgary on Saturday morning.

Dad (McIver) heads to Edmonton tomorrow morning for an appointment with a patent attorney. They have to see if their invention has been invented yet. The motorhome needs a blemish fixing job on the windshield and the VW needs a new windshield. This all has to be done this week. I was sure our New Years resolution for 2009 was to not leave everything until the last minute. Not really complaining, love the challenge of wondering if it will all get done. If not, so what.

Looking forward to getting together with family on Saturday for family Christmas. We'll miss you guys but I know you won't miss it Shannon and that's ok. It's one of my favorite days of the year along with Thanksgiving dinner, it's amazing how much we've all mellowed.

We're definitely checking the long range forcast about now, we would like dry roads, not toooo cold on the 26th and 27th. After that, we don't care. This recent cold snap has definitely made our decision for next year. November 15th, we're gone.

Love to all

GrmpaGrmma said...

Hope you had a fun evening last night Shannon!!

We got home safe and sound yesterday around 1:30 p.m. from the cold, cold north. We drove in a blizzard from Kyle home and that was not nice at all but made it safe and sound. Jacob's Christmas concert was so cute and we loved being able to be there. This morning we get up to -6 and it's supposed to get warmer. We do have lots of snow for Christmas but still not as much as other years.

Stan is sitting in the dentist chair at this moment having a root canal done on one of the beautiful 6 crowns that he had done 4 years ago. This is the 3rd root canal and he thinks it's not the last. Hope your appt. goes okay Irene.

Hope you're all having a wonderful day and BIG HUGS TO ALL!