Friday 18 December 2009

week 15

Better late than never! What a week! I can't believe today is Friday. One week until Christmas. Man - time flies. The boys are very excited to be done for 2 weeks. Kaedo said to me this morning "mom, one more day of school then it's the 3 Guys Holiday". Don't you love the hat? Kaedo has worn it all day everyday and to bed as well for the last 3 weeks. Love that. The weather is cold but it isn't snowing. For that I am happy. I'm all for a brown Christmas or at least a "sidewalk cleared, no ice, clean streets Christmas".

As you know, Sterling doesn't believe in Santa anymore (boo) but Kaedo says he does. I don't know if he really does but he loves Christmas so much that he refuses to let the hope die. He even listens to Christmas music to go to sleep. Sterling is so funny - his whispered comments about Santa and his list are hilarious. I'm sure this will be the last Christmas that we have to force the kids to bed before us. Sad, really.

As for WIW - I'm down a bit. Not even a lb. Oh well - such is life. Craig was down this week as well. How are you doing? I'm finding it hard with Christmas treats and Craig's birthday on Sunday and the chocolate cake that will be consumed/engulfed/snarfed.

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