Monday, 26 November 2007


Hi All -
Working on a project today, listening to Josh Groban "Noel", drinking a diet coke, and loving this fall weather. I can smell the cinnamon pine cones I have put out and am actually excited to put up our tree. (OH MY GOD!) Can I just say that Josh Groban has the most amazing voice I have ever heard. I would so recommend to anyone to buy his CD.

Hope you had a good weekend. Ours was good. Busy as always but we had some good family time. Sterling bowled on Saturday and got a 269 for his three games. He did well on the first and last and kinda tanked it in the middle. He was in good spirits though and didn't let it get him too down. A french fries bribe at the does wonders. It does for me, so why not him. He got some new badges. His 125 (last week), as well as "I beat my coach" and another for being in the top certain kids for his pinfalls. He didn't even know about this so was pleasantly surprised to get the badge. He didn't move on to the next level, but doesn't care as he never knew he was in the first level.

Got all of my Alberta/Saskatchewan Christmas shopping done and have wrapped and labelled it all. It is sitting in a box right now, but I need to get a bigger one as it all doesn't fit. Plan to get it out this week.

Sent Ken's birthday present today. It is a special one so we hope he likes it.

Sunday brought the final swimming lesson. Sterling PASSED! he was so thrilled. He had been doing school swimming lessons at the same time as these and did not pass, but passed yesterday. He has really been anti-swimming as he is the oldest in his class. He's now moving up and should be more comfortable. Kaeden didn't pass but did awesome none the less. He was really bummed when he got out of his lessons and told Craig that he wouldn't do lessons again (not an option) and no more triathlons. I spoke with him when he got home and reminded him he had jumped skipped 2 levels to be in this class and he only had two things to work on. We also talked about how his distance swimming is going to help him kick ass in the triathlons. He's good now. No swimming lessons for them through the winter as we have something else in store for them.

Tonight is our night off so I am looking forward to that. I have time to spend with the boys without shuttling from one place to another.

Will have some pix of a fun project I "craft-lifted" (not crap-lifted). Will show you later in the week.

Well, enjoy your Monday. Listen to some Christmas music, count your blessings, grab your favorite drink (it's 5 o'clock somewhere) and enjoy your day.

talk later,


Denis & Irene said...

Sounds like your day was great. You sound very upbeat, love that sound. I had a Xmas candle out, that was the extent of my decorating. We travelled to Houston today, so everything gets put away.

Congrats Sterling not only on your bowling score but your swimming lessons, also. Kaeden, you are such a good swimmer, there could have only been minor problems that kept you from passing. Keep up the good work you guys

Our new to us motorhome is ready for delivery and we have our walk through and lessons (on how everything works) tomorrow at 11. We are at the place where we bought it tonight, they have a mini campground with plug ins, etc. Tomorrow we will start transferring stuff from one to the other. That will take all day and then some so we will probably stay here again tomorrow night. We will just bring enough stuff north with us that will fit in the car for the trip back. Can you say "Lean Cuisine" for a whole week? I'm only bringing a pot for boiling water. That is our shower water once we winterize which will probably be in Kansas. The farther north we get in the warm weather, the better we'll smell when we get to SC, Shirley.

The weather is very good again, now that we don't have time to do touristy things. We got a campground south of Corpus Christi for a week starting the 15th of January. We wanted it for a month but won't know if we get it until a couple of days before. That's ok because now I'm thinking a month is going to be way too long in one place.

Just have a little Xmas shopping left to do for a son in law that will remain nameless but lives in Medicine Hat. Put on about 100 miles today but haven't found the perfect gift. It takes so long to get anywhere here and no one can give you directions when you ask where anything is. In the large cities, they live in their own corner and have no clue where anything is out of that square mile radius. They try to help by asking people around them, but no luck. The smaller places are way better. Houston really is large, very large.

Love to all

Denis & Irene said...
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GrmpaGrmma said...

Shannon - I have a Josh Groban CD - Closer - and yes he does have a beautiful voice. Joyce let me listen to her CD one time in Calgary and we picked one up. We did have a great weekend as well - very busy for us old retired couple but lots of fun!

Way to go Sterling - sounds like your bowling is going great. Mom is going to be kept so (sew) busy putting badges on your bowling shirt. Congratulations on your swimming as well Sterling - WE KNEW YOU COULD DO IT!!

Kaeden - keep practising your distance swimming so you can pass everyone in the triathon. - You'll do great!

Glad to hear you had such a good Monday Shannon - I did as well - I know you'll think I'm nuts but I even enjoyed cleaning and vacuuming the upstairs this afternoon. We have all our Chrsitmas decorations up and I love the Christmas lights on morning and evening - oh also I have had Christmas CD's on for a week! We do count our many blessings every morning and evening - even with all the grumping we do - we don't realize how fortunate we are to have family and friends to love and protect. Stan and I also did have our favorite drink tonight right around the 5:00 p.m. hour while supper was cooking. We just totally relaxed this evening - so all in all - it's been a great day! Hope tomorrow turns out just as good.

Love you all lots!

P.S. - Irene - looking forward to seeing you (dirty or clean!)- hope it's not the day we're putting in our new furnace - it'll be pretty cool in the house till they get it up and running. They say it takes a day to get it all done. Nice Christmas present right! Take care and looking forward to seeing your new motorhome.