Friday, 16 November 2007

dinner will be served...

So, guess what?
Tomorrow night we are having the Backyardigans over for dinner and it is the first time we have had someone over besides family. I am so excited! I have planned the menu (Parmesan chicken, mixed veg, baked nugget potatoes, Caesar salad and crusty buns), and got together a little project for the minis to do.
Work is good and we are gearing up for the Winter CHA Show so I have lots of projects to be working on. I was in Markham today and will be back in on Tuesday.
The boys are doing well. Sterling has just finished his first week of Spanish and LOVES it. Hopefully that feeling sticks with him as it goes for the entire school year. Kaed is still busy with TKD Tuesday, Wed and Thurs and I am super lucky to be able to share the driving duties with Chris and Laura. Tennis tonight. Sterling doesn't want to go. "Mom, I haven't played with my PSP aaallll day". I can hear the music pounding out of the speakers as I write this. AAAggghhhh, good times. Not. Bowling tomorrow morning - my favorite activity of the week. I just love it. I think it is a badge week, so I'll keep you posted.
Anyway, I am just blabbering today. Will try and think of something witty for tomorrow.

Quiz, riddle or facts?? Anybody want to let me know what they want?

Mom - can I put some of your pix on here????

Talk soon,

1 comment:

KPJC said...

not great at riddles, the only thing I can moderately respond to would be the quiz. But whatever you write I will be happy to read. Take care and tell Craig thanks for the words of wisdom - I should have asked first whether or not we should have cleaned the carpets. Jacob is doing a little better today - no puking, but still is pretty warm (I wish those eye teeth would come in soon). Later say hi to those busy nephews of ours.