Tuesday 6 November 2007

Jessica - you done good work!

new light fixture for the dining room - it rocks!

new color, mirrors and picture in front entry

chalkboard fridge - we did this - perfect for tic tac toe and hangman
new light fixture in kitchen - gorgeous

green curtains - a bit of Spring in the Fall
new "tiles" and tea towels - brightens it up, doesn't it?
my wall of fame - the most beautiful kids in the world - all four of them! Love the stripe and the armoire

Thanks again, Lavigne/Beach family. We love it - you rock!

1 comment:

GrmpaGrmma said...

WOW - EVERYTHING LOOKS GREAT!! Sounds like you had a wonderful time with all your family around Shannon and it would have been sad to see them go after such a nice long visit. Thanks for putting pictures on the blog for us to see how much work was done. Nice Christmas presents! Also thanks for the e-mail with the recipes - I hope to check a few of them out for Christmas baking. Kelly, Petrica and Jacob will be here on Christmas day around noon and for a few days after. They informed me that Jacob's favorite cookie is ginger snaps, Kelly's is chocolate chip and Petrica loves anything with lots of chocolate in it so I'll check the recipes out for any of those. We got home awhile ago from line dancing and coffeeing so must get some work done around here. We've got Stan's Uncle Ike coming for supper tonight - I've got a ham in the oven and will get scalloped potatoes ready later. We were invited over to Larry and Faye's for supper last night and I baked an apple crisp and there's enough left over for our dessert tonight. Tomorrow is election day here and Stan and I are working from 7:00 - 10:00 p.m. answering the phones at the Returning Office. Should be interesting! Hope you're having a good day and BIG HUGS TO ALL OF YOU!!! Love you!