Monday, 12 November 2007

It's all over but the eating (cake that is)

What a day! So much fun. By far the best birthday party we have hosted. Kaed has already said he wants a Survivor party for his bday. Poor backyardigans are going to have to go through all of this again!

The kids just had a riot. The games were perfect, although Kaed got a little upset with himself during the Word Search. The kids all had great spirit and willingly tried their hardest to win the challenges. I think they had it out for Sterling - so that was even more fun!

Noah was the big wiener - ugh, I mean, big winner. He kicked ass winning 3 out of 5 challenges. Way to go Noah - The ULTIMATE SURVIVOR!

Sterling was thrilled with his gifts. The only thing he had asked for he got - thanks Backyardigans - he was just thrilled with it. Now, all I'm hearing is, "mom, come see this, mom look at this....".

I think what I loved about this party is that it wasn't some huge affair. It was Sterling with his 5 best buddies, having fun. These are the kids he loves the most, that he likes being with, playing with and talking with. I loved it.

When I got back from picking up lunch, the front door was open. All I could hear from the driveway was gales of laughter. Success? I think so.

Here is one of my favorite photos from the party:

This picture is so awesome. He looks so happy! I didn't take the best shot but can hear the birthday song being sung while he smiles. Good memories.

Now we just have his birthday. 10. This is a very special birthday to me. Double digits. He's no longer a little kid. Is he tween? Anyone who knows, please fill me in. Tomorrow night he will open his gift from the 4 of us, since Craig is gone so early in the morning (don't say he can wait - no kid can/should). Wednesday morning he will open the rest of his gifts. We (2 of us) are going to have lunch together - he wants to go to one of our fancier restaurants - McDonald's. Wednesday night he wants to have quesadillas for supper or go to the movies. Tomorrow I'm going to make a chocolate cake. That's it.

Well - that's all I have for you.

Have a great rest of the day...



GrmpaGrmma said...

Just checked the e-mail before checking blog so just a quick note here as well - that is a very good picture of Sterling - he truly has a happy from the heart smile on - he is sooooo handsome!! BIG HUGS TO YOU ALL!

Denis & Irene said...

So glad all your planning turned out perfectly. Was there any doubt? It is a great photo, shows real happiness.

I don't know when the term tween came about but I think it's a good word for that 10-12 age group. THey are definitely not little kids nor are they teens but they certainly have different feelings and challenges from both those age groups. I think it's great that we are starting to recognize that these kids need more than just to be told they're not old enough to do this and that. They need a group to identify with and now they have it. I remember that age being particularly difficult as everyone figured that since you weren't a teenager you didn't have any problems or concerns. So much for my soapbox

Love to all