Friday, 20 July 2007

Wheely Dudes

One day gone by and the kids are already into their routine of biking on the street as much as possible. Sterling and Kaeden have both learned new tricks since they've been away and here is a sampling. Sterling has learned to 'catwalk' and Kaeden can now lift the tire on his new bike to clear the curb. He was always complaining that his new bike was too heavy, (I guess he's gotten stronger since he's been away, his Amma must be feeding him well)
Sterling crashed hard last night at about 10 o'clock as I was reading to them, but Kaeden on the other hand stayed up until midnight playing his Nintendo (at least that what he tells me, I was long since asleep by that time.)
It's been a good day all and all. Tomorrow we are planning to take in the 'Dog Days of Scugog', a big dog event in a town called Scugog (hence the name I guess). We are taking Ketchup as well so hopefully he doesn't freak out too much with all the people and dogs. I will try and take pictures to blog tomorrow. This blogging is harder than I thought, not sure if anyone is actually reading except for my parents and Denis and Irene. Since Shannon is away everyone probably thinks the blog is on hiatus. If nothing else it'll be something for Shannon to read when she gets back.


Denis & Irene said...

What happened to the 9 am wake-ups when we were away? 6.30 this a.m. the feet were moving across the floor. It's been a long day so far as it's the earliest we've been up for weeks.

The bike tricks are great, both of you, however, the bikes cannot withstand the constant abuse. Sterling, your tires look like tubes. I don't think it will last the summer.

Love to all

shannon said...

The blog is great Craig. Much better than when I do it. You are quite the wordsmith. Maybe you should keep it up full time. I don't know if it gets read when I do it, so there you go. The video is awesome and I am impressed with them both. I'm surprised they haven't had their bikes surgically attached to their butts. Miss you guys and can't wait to see you tomorrow night. Love you,