Saturday, 14 July 2007

6:50 am - first sale - kitchen table and chairs and 4 jackie collins books. He's going to sit at his new table and read smut tonight.

1 comment:

Denis & Irene said...

So glad you got started with a larger purchase. You were a little afraid of the rain, we weren't but we have certainly had it. We are getting a Niagara Pass tomorrow which allows us People Mover transportation for the day, Butterfly Conservatory, Maid of the Mist, Walk under the Falls, Whitewater Walking (don't worry, no going in the water) When you consider $18.00 for parking, you know public transportation is the way to go. The venues run about $14.00-16.00 for adults and $6-8 for the kids so getting a package is the best way to go. We plan to see the falls at night, tonight and have been looking at movie theatres for today but there is nothing playing that the boys want to see. Another bike ride is in order. Kaeden is so proud of his feat yesterday so I won't say how far we went. He will tell you himself.

Love to all