Sunday, 1 July 2007

Canada Day

Hello All - Happy Canada Day! We hope you are having a good day wherever you are and whatever you are doing. We hope there are some fireworks in your day.

1 comment:

GrmpaGrmma said...

HAPPY CANADA BACK AT YOU!! We made it back safe and sound from P.A. this afternoon and came home to a very, very messy yard with broken tree branches all over. I guess we were lucky when we drive around S.C. and see all the beautiful big trees that have fallen because of the terrible wind they had here on Friday night. We cleaned up the yard and ourselves before heading over to pick mom up and taking her out to Sam and Linda's for supper to help celebrate Sam's b'day. Got back in town and decided to go and watch the fireworks - not much to watch but were okay. Had a great week with Kelly, Petrica and Jacob. We're expecting Jim & Cathy for a visit this week sometime so will be kept busy. Have a great week!