Tuesday 3 July 2007

Flintstone's Song

Happy Anniversary Happy Anniversary Happy Anniversary HAAAAAppy Anniversary! Happy happy happy happy happy anniversary....and on and on and on. Thank god I haven't put this to music. Three anniversaries to celebrate. Stan and Shirley - 39 years (who knew you were so old?) and mom and dad- 42 years (it's true, blindness does make the heart grow fonder) and lastly - the most important anniversary of the month - the peanut butter anniversary. It was a year ago this week that we last had a tasty, mouth gumming up morsel of God's gift to earthlings. Praise the Lord - Thursday is almost here. Oh ya - we'll miss the kids, too.

Hope you are all well,


1 comment:

KPJC said...

Funny picture.
Happy anniversary D & I. Another couple to inspire us all - wow!

Have fun Kaeden and Sterling - we can't wait to see you at the end of July - oh and your mom and dad.