Wednesday, 25 July 2007

Oh God

So, I'm back and I have gone into major avoidance. These are pictures of my office, and you can now see why I am avoiding. I have so much work to do. I am starting today (or so I keep telling myself). I'm really lazing on the couch, eating bonbons and having my feet rubbed by a Grecian god. Sorry Craig - anyway, you don't want to rub my feet, so this seems like the only option.
After working like a mad fiend for the last few weeks, the mess seems to have piled up and now I just can't move in here. To add to that, the brats were in here looking for stickers and paper for their scrapbooks and of course, the spoils of their search are still on the floor.

Took them to the meeting spot to meet amma and baba yesterday morning. Kaed was good to go, but Sterling was very upset. The emotions are two fold. I know he wants to go and get on with being the centre of attention for the next two weeks, but it also shows that he loves me and misses me. I already knew that, but a little ego stroking is good for me. Once we had a long talk and some soothing words, he was ready to go.

Won't be so long until we see them again. We are planning a trip to Peterborough on Saturday night for a concert in the park and fireworks. We will meet up with everyone and have a picnic and listen to music. I am hoping it all will work out and we will get the chance to do this. Rain, rain, stay away.

Tomorrow I am in Markham for a meeting and then will spend the rest of the week at home with my dog. Looking forward to it. OK - that's it for now. Sorry - I have no bike video, but I will try and get something together to astound and amaze you. Maybe the dog pooping?



Jessica said...

I totally think you should get some shots of Ketchup pooping. That would be hilarious. Was there a tornado or an earthquake I wasn't aware of? That isn't really your office, is it? Hee Hee. Just packing for my big walk that will be featured on the blog early next week. Nice how I just invite myself. That's what sisters are for.

Love to all

GrmpaGrmma said...

YIKES!!! How did your cleaning go on Wednesday? Looks like an overwhelming job and one that would be easily left till the next day. Hope you got some tidied up so you could get in there to work again. Your weekend plan sounds like fun and hope the rain does stay away for you to enjoy it. I'm sorry not to be as excited as Jessica to watch a video of Ketchup pooping - I'd much rather see videos of our grandsons doing anything!!! Have a great day!

Denis & Irene said...

The photos don't do it justice and I have first hand (eye) knowledge. I couldn't figure out what the smell was and then I saw the 50 or so pair of shoes lined up haphazardly along the wall and figured it must have been one or more of those.

Enjoy the cleaning, bet you didn't think you could collect that much. Your pack rat habits must have been the reason we moved so much when you were growing up.

Love to all