Sunday, 29 July 2007

Happy Sunday?

Hi All - how is everyone? All is well here. Craig is busy doing his thing and I am contemplating cleaning my office. Yesterday afternoon and evening was spent in Peterborough with the boys and mom and dad. What a great time we had. We had the opportunity to take a boat tour which took us up and down the world's largest hydraulic lift lock. It was amazing and dad was in his glory. It was great. The captain of the ship was also the "entertainment" and passed on lots of interesting information about the history of Peterborough as well as some great one-liners. We followed that up with a picnic in the park where we feasted on buns - thanks mom - as well as watermelon, cherries (with a pit spitting contest), oranges, chocolate chip cookies and muffins. It was great. Craig and dad lined up the chairs for the concert and mom, the boys and I headed out to the zoo. What a cool place. The zoo is free and there is a great playground, and an even better splash park. There was a little girl playing in the splash park that had no clothes on and the boys were mortified. They couldn't believe her mom would allow that. Truly mortified. We headed back to the park and got settled in for a Johnny Cash tribute concert. I am not a real fan of Johnny Cash - all his songs seemed to sound the same to me. In saying that, I had a blast. The music was loud, the singer was good, the crowd was enthusiastic and we were with some very special people. We left at intermission after NOT winning the 50/50. Boo. Ended up missing our turn-off as we were busy looking at a restaurant that some friends told us we just "had to try". Got home and shortly after crawled into bed.
Today we are just hanging out - not too much to do. Sometimes that's just perfect.
Hope all is well,

1 comment:

GrmpaGrmma said...

Sounds like you had a wonderful day yesterday - so glad weather cooperated for you. Concert sounds like a blast! It's been very hot here today - we met Sam and Linda for lunch today after church (took Auntie Joyce with us). We picked gramma up and went to Houston's. Joyce was going out to stay with Linda the rest of her visit so Linda invited us to come out to their cool house for the afternoon. We ended up staying for a quick supper, took mom home and went over to water Robert & Barb's flowers. Now we're home watering our stuff. I really would like to go to the show "Hairspray" when it comes - hopefully soon. Have a great week - love you lots!