Friday 13 July 2007

Good Morning

Who the hell gets up this early - 6am (Laura). You people are NUTS! Ahhh well, another day of work. Craig is on the train right now, probably sleeping, and here I am. We are having our yard sale tomorrow. This is our first ever sale and yes I know, I collect more than enough things to have a sale every year. The house is even messier than usual - how can that be? you may say (mom). All our stuff is in the living room so we can just haul it out tomorrow morning. The Backyardigans are lending us some tables and we will bring the patio table out if we need to. Read an email from mom last night and she says that they arrived in Niagara on the Lake at 5pm and the boys were off playing with new friends at 5:30pm. To be so young and carefree. Love it! Thought I would show this picture. I took it out of an airplane window a few years ago. I think it is so cool. Imagine being a pilot and seeing that everyday. It would put a smile on your face.

Have a great day -


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