Since you don't care at all but obviously have nothing better to read, I thought I would pass on some very important educational items. Once you have finished reading this you will be surprised that you ever functioned normally in society before you had this knowledge.
About Skippy Peanut Butter-
*Skippy Peanut Butter, one of America's favorite brands was first sold on February 1, 1933.
*Skippy Peanut Butter, one of America's favorite brands was first sold on February 1, 1933.
*Today, almost 90 million jars are sold annually. That's almost 3 jars every second!
*More Skippy has been sold than any other peanut butter in the world!
*Georgia is the #1 peanut producing state, but did you know that Texas is #2?
*Most of the peanuts used to make Skippy peanut butter are grown in Georgia, Texas, Florida and Oklahoma.
*Farmers (called growers) harvest the peanuts during September, October and November then sell them to companies known as peanut shellers.
*The shellers use special machines to remove the peanut kernels from the shells, clean and sort them by size.
*The makers of Skippy peanut butter buy peanuts from the shellers.
*The shellers then ship them to the peanut butter plant in railroad hopper cars.
*Each railroad car holds approximately 190,000 pounds of peanuts (about the weight of 16 elephants!)
*It takes almost 850 peanuts to make an 18 oz jar of peanut butter!
I know, I know, you can thank me later.
A note to my boys -
I don't know if you are reading this, guys, but I just wanted you to know that I love you and miss you. The house sure is quiet without you, and Ketchup is wondering where all the noise has gone. He is also curious as to why there are no crumbs under the kitchen table and seems quite miffed about this. I also wanted to let you know that dad hasn't murdalized your fish yet and that they are safe and sound on the kitchen table being fed daily (which is more than I can say when you are home). I know you are having a great time and look forward to hearing about your adventures. Don't wear amma and baba out too much!
I love you,
1 comment:
THe peanut butter info was very informative. You have way too much time on your hands now, n'est ce pas??
Have no fear about the boys wearing us out, I think it's the other way around. They still can't keep up. Tomorrow we are taking a pedal boat to an island in the lake and having a picnic. It's about 1 km and Sterling's great idea was that he and Kade would sit in the back and hold the lunch while Dad and I pedalled. I opted for kayaking over but haven't convinced them that I can paddle and carry the lunch at the same time.
Weather is really hot and we're doing loads of things and having a great time. Played mini golf today, biked around the lake, went fishing, went swimming in the outdoor pool, went to the arcade and played pool, watched a DVD and went for some groceries. We had to eat in as it is just too hot outside. The A/C is working overtime.
Love to all
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