Monday, 9 April 2012

this week

My neighbor's tulips. EVERY Fall I say I will plant some of my own and every Fall I fail to do so. So right now I am quietly watching the leaves grow bigger and bigger, curious as to what mix she has planted for this year. I always want to pick a few but never do. Not very good for neighbor relations.

Too much and not enough. I find myself spinning around and around not knowing where I am going to stop. I have too much on my list and yet it doesn't seem like enough. I feel overwhelmed and yet ready to take on the world. I find myself giving up so much of my time that I don't know when I will focus on myself and what I need to do.

Working together as a family to create the best life we can. It is easy to forget that your children aren't "babies" any more. It is important for me to think about the best ways to make our family thrive. To give everyone what they need and be willing to accept something back.

Seeing my swing on my back porch. It's colorful floral cushions resting lazily on the seat. Looking forward to sitting there dreaming, wishing, hoping, planning. A few minutes to myself where I can hear the birds chirping, listen to children playing, and wish for many more cloud free days where I can soak up the sun and just be.

1 comment:

Denis & Irene said...

Obsessing over...I'll pick them for you, then I'll tell her before I leave.

Working on...everything in moderation. We are always very busy but somehow it all gets done. What doesn't, didn't need to be.

Thinking about...Everyone giving toward the good of the family. Four people working together for each other. No one person can give everyone what they need, we all have to help ourselves.

Anticipating...the wonderful summer ahead. As the Nike commercial says, Just Do It. Dreaming, wishing and hoping doesn't get anything done but 'doing' does. We all have dreams and wishes but it's the doing that makes them come true.

Unfortunately or fortunately, our wishing and dreaming has turned into doing and there are only 366 days this year. Yikes! At least our dream of seeing you more than once this year will come true and we can't wait. We'll either have to get a job or go on welfare next year at this rate.

Ah, but life is so wonderful.

Love to all