Sunday 29 April 2012

So how's your day going????

Mine is fan-freaking-tastic! It's 12:20pm and today I got my first birthday present. As many of you know, I will be 40 in a couple of weeks and I was asked by my mom and dad what I would like for my birthday. To be honest, I wasn't really sure. About 5 years ago Jessica gave me and iPod for my birthday and I have used it every day since. Lately, however, it hasn't been working. I guess the lifespan for mine was 5 years. Yesterday we went out and looked at the new iPod Nanos and found one we thought would be good for me. When my mom asked me this morning what I'd like, I was fully prepared to answer and mentioned the iPod. There was a bit of a pause in the conversation before she said to me, "We can get you the iPod but I was thinking of something else - how about a trip to Vegas?" Truly, if my family hadn't been sleeping I would have been screaming. I was shocked. This doesn't come out of the blue, exactly. There is a bit of a back story. You see, Jessica and I always said we would go to Vegas for our 40ths. With our individual situations, it became less and less of an option, but I think we both always had it in the back of our minds. Fast forward to this year and Em is dancing in a HUGE dance competition in VEGAS. I had mentioned a while back that I would love the opportunity to see her dance and this just made everything possible. So, I am going to meet them in Vegas, toddler wrangle Av with mom and dad while Jessica and Em are getting reading for her competitions, watch her dance, see the sights, hang out with my family, go out with my sister and have a great holiday. The added bonus is that Craig is going to take his holidays and will be home with the boys and they will be able to have some great times together - the three men! So anyway, Happy Early Birthday to me! Sounds like 40 is going to be GREAT!

1 comment:

Denis & Irene said...

Glad you enjoyed the Birthday gift, you're only 40 once. We will all have such a good time and Emma is thrilled that you will be there to watch her dance. Happy (early,late) Birthday my love.

Love to all