Thursday, 23 February 2012

1212 and week 22

Today is my 1212th post. Yikes! Maybe I better stop talking!
Here is week 22. The weather is great if not a little chilly right now. No snow as of yet. I have been advised by the boys that there is supposed to be a big snowstorm here tomorrow and at school they have already cancelled Hot Lunch program, extra curricular and they have been warned to warn their parents that busing may be cancelled as well. I hope it's a whole lot of melodrama for nothing. I for one am going out even if there is a blizzard as I have a new doctor to see and don't want to miss my appointment.
Lets all hope that it blows right past us and we can continue to enjoy Spring as we have all Winter!


Denis & Irene said...

Looking good boys! Wow, 1212 posts, amazing how a little bit every day or so can add up so quickly. We've enjoyed all 1212 of them.

Weather here is cloudy but warm. It was 21C when we got up this it wasn't noon. We left around 10 and went to Baton Rouge (Red Stick). What a dynamite place! They've done quite a bit of that also as they are revamping all the Riverfront and the infrastructure they are doing is incredible. The Mississippi at it's best, wide and slow moving with tugs pushing barges and old paddle wheelers (aka casinos) docked along the shore. The buildings are awesome, some from the 1800s and some new ones. We visited the new and the old state capital buildings. Their museums are so extensive that it takes all day to do just the two we did, plus a little bit of slots on the side. Paid for the fuel. We went to go into the Heritage museum and a guy whispered something that we didn't hear. I asked "What" in a voice that could be heard and he said "cut" into his headset. We couldn't go in because they were making a movie and the cameras were rolling. That's why the police cars were blocking the entrance, ah, now I see. Oh well, they should have spoken up and let us know. We can't wait to go back as it is such a pretty place and there's so much to see.

Making seafood gumbo for supper to be served over rice. Have no rice, don't plan to go out and get some as the gumbo is ready. Having seafood gumbo over rice for supper tomorrow night. This getting old really has me frazzled.

Hope you don't get your blizzard tomorrow, although surely it's due. You can't have spring all winter.

Glad you're still alive after Hot Yoga. It would be good to go Sunday, if you can, as it's such a long time from Thursday to Tuesday. Then you'll hurt all over again, lol.

Hope everyone has had a good week.

Love to all

Annette said...

I'm sure it won't amount to much! They have been so wrong this year about the weather! Though I would prepare for a blizzard the first week of March, I just have a feeling (and it's just as likely as the predictions of meterologists this year!)