Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Sad Day

Craig and I learned this morning that one of the guys he played football with this Fall died on Saturday morning. He was in his mid-twenties. This was Craig's first year playing with him and so they were not close as he is with some of the guys, however it is so sad. An email was sent from Derek's girlfriend advising the team.
I didn't know him, had only heard about him, but a little sadness has hit my heart today thinking of a family that lost a son much too young and a girlfriend who was given the task to inform his friends and fellow players.
I'm going to hug my kids a little harder today and tell them I love them an extra time or two. We never know what life will bring us.


Denis & Irene said...

That is very sad. You are right, you never know what life will bring us. 4 teens from Magrath died last weekend and 4 teens from Grande Prairie died this weekend. How do they families cope? The grandparents of one of the Magrath teens was in the park here getting ready to head south for the winter.

The park is emptying out at a fast pace. Lots of people coming in during late afternoon to stop for the night and they're gone early in the morning. Bob and Pat leave Sunday, Bill and Caralee the week after. This will be the latest we have stayed but the weather is still really good and is supposed to stay that way for awhile.

Lunch with Jan today and then some more shopping. An hour a day or so brings more success than staying out there all day, for me anyway.

Hope nobody got any snow yesterday.

Love to all

GrmpaGrmma said...

How sad for that young fellows family. Too many young people are passing away. We found out on Monday morning that a young 25 year old girl died. She is not married, lives with her parents and has a son who is 7 years old. The grandparents have more or less been raising the boy before but will have to take on the whole responsibility. This daughter was their youngest and they are in their late sixties. They have alot of family around S.C. so will probably have lots of help.

I haven't talked to Jim & Cathy but plan on giving them a call because I'm sure they would have either known the students or their families in Grande Prairie. How very, very sad for all families.

Feel our BIG HUGS across the miles as well because it is so important to tell our loved ones how much we do love you and wish we could hug you more.

Sounds like you all have a very busy week going. Hope you don't have to work too many late nights Craig - take care.

Our company left this morning around 7:45 a.m. heading back to Chilliwack. They arrived on Wednesday afternoon and we had a wonderful time together. Dennis was ready to head home sooner than this morning but Elaine had other plans!

I'm just getting ready to head out to meet Linda & Jean and then head out to Herbert this afternoon. Jean thinks we should take mom out for coffee - I'm not sure if she's ready to do that or not but I guess we'll talk about it and see. Roberta & Jim will be heading home from Mexico tomorrow after a week holiday.

Hope everyone is doing well - BIG HUGS TO ALL!