Thursday, 6 October 2011

Week 2

Good morning all - it is 7:30 am and I have been for a run, had a shower, gotten ready for the day, photoshopped my photos and read about the sad passing of Steve Jobs - a true visionary of our time. Busy morning for those like me who love the comfort of their bed!
Yesterday Craig so kindly took the gnome picture for me as I was at a Mental Health Awareness Breakfast yesterday morning and had totally forgotten about it. This picture is gorgeous and I really think he should take on this role as he just captured them beautifully.

The weather is supposed to be nice today and I have a few things planned and some exciting news to share later on in the weekend.

Sterling has ortho this morning and we are hoping to get some news about when his tracks are coming off. He is so looking forward to chewing gum. I better start buying his "braces off" basket. I promised him a gift basket full of caramels and gum and other yummies he hasn't be able to eat for the past three years, so we are anxiously waiting to hear when the big day is. Shirley - by Christmas you may be able to buy him Juicy fruit gum again!


GrmpaGrmma said...

Great photo once again guys!!

Our weather is dull, dreary and drizzly - oh well, we've had gorgeous weather for the past 2 weeks. Thanksgiving weekend is supposed to be nice again.

Hope Sterling's ortho appt. went well and I promised him when the tracks come off, I would buy him a sleeve of 4 Juicy Fruit gum!

Went to Line Dancing, Stan to doctor appt. to find out results of his knee surgery, shopping, banking etc., etc., etc. Came home for lunch and Stan & Robert are off to visit their mom and I'm catching up on a few things around the house. Suit cases are put out for packing tonight to head to Kelly & Petrica's for Thanksgiving. Petrica's parents will be there as well so they will have a house full. We all have so much to be thankful for and we should give thanks more than just at Thanksgiving but don't do it as often as we should. I have a friend I went to school with who had a stroke a couple of months ago, has been in Regina rehabilitation centre and was sent to S.C. Palliser this past Monday. She is paralized on her right side, can't speak and they're not sure where she will be put to live. Her husband passed away about 4 or 5 years ago and she was still in her very nice home. Very sad - she has 3 daughters who all live in the states and one son who lives here.

Anywho -HAPPY THANKSGIVING to all as well as VERY BIG HUGS!!

Denis & Irene said...

That T must be ready for the dumpster Sterling. Nothing like a favorite item of clothing and it suits you also.

We brought the rain from B.C. Pouring here which gives us the incentive to get the shopping done. Finally got a new laptop so we`re able to read the blog from the comfort of our home. Christmas shopping also got started as we`d like to get it all done here to eliminate the HST factor. We plan to take advantage of your nice late fall weather and show up way before the holidays. The promise of cherry pies hopefully will help the fact that the inlaws will be there for a while Craig.

Heading to the Hat tomorrow and then Calgary on Saturday for our family Thanksgiving. So fun to get together with everyone.

The park here is full of friends and acquaintances trying to decide when to leave for the warmer weather. The longer you can hang out here, the later you can come back in the spring. First frost will see an almost total dispersal. We are the only ones, so far, heading to Florida for part of the winter. We want to do the whole Gulf Coast and plan to catch up with friends in Texas in March. Looking forward to a shorter winter as I found 5 months to be a little long last year. Glad we'll be spending some of it with you, although that time will fly by.

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone

Love to all