I recently went to Hallmark to buy a card for Emma as a congratulations for making it into the Nutcracker! We are so proud and thrilled for her. This was the bag my card came in. I cut it out and I think this is a good motto.
When you suffer from a mental illness and the setbacks and forward movement that goes along with it, it is easy to not live your life. It is easy to go back to bed, not fully participate, not be present. I work hard to make sure I am "in the game" where my family is concerned, although some days it is harder than others. With some serious changes in diagnoses and medication, I am working with the family to make a smooth transition while we work out all the kinks. I need to remember that "life is a special occasion" and I need to celebrate it and enjoy it.
I hope you will join me in making this your motto. I am also interested in suggestions about what you do in your life to stay present and focused. What works for you, what you do to celebrate yourself.
Have a great Monday.
1 comment:
The first thing I do every day to stay present and focused is to BBM my girls to make sure that they are ok. Once I have a reply, I can move on with the day. They don't have to be great, or wonderful or anything over the top...just ok is good. Some days will be better than others, we all know that.
Although I've never considered myself an ostrich, I never listen to or watch talk shows. I don't wamt to hear about the problems of someone I don't know and can't help. I do however want to be there for my friends and family. I think most of us have enough on our plate once we have all those special people covered.
I have tried very hard and have been very successful in planning the things that have to be done and doing them. There are so many things we feel we have to do but most are not that important.
Every day must have some work and some pleasure regardless of what our opinion of each is. Making yourself do something that you really don't want to do, but know you should, is a huge hurdle for me. I have walked five days out of the last seven. Unfortunately, I look at my two non-walking days when the focus should be on the five that were successfully completed.
Life is a special occasion but we seem to really understand that more when we have lived most of it. The clock can never be turned back and life really is good. It's unfortunate that the bad times, even though there really are less of them, seem to outweigh the good times in our minds. I guess that's because we fret and worry during the bad times and we just glide through the good ones.
Staying focused on what brings you happiness is not such a tough thing, we just have to attach ourselves to it and let the negatives fall away. Easy to say, I know, but very do-able. Life really is too short and unfortunately for most, myself included, we don't realize that until our later years.
Take one day at a time, or one hour at a time. I really believe that is the key to staying present and focused. We can't do anything about the future, it's out of our control. We can plan all we want, but it can be a hit or miss.
How does one celebrate oneself? I guess by doing things that make you happy and content regardless of how mundane they may be to someone else. Never care what the other guy thinks about you as long as you are happy and not doing anything to hurt anyone else. Honesty, integrity, having people to love and being loved, but most of all, being true to yourself. That's my celebration!
Love to all
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