Sunday, 9 October 2011

look what you find...

... when you're scrolling through old photos. These were taken at Vaughan Mills shopping centre the first year we moved here. We had found an IMAX theater near there and took the boys on a PA day to see a movie. Funny to think how far we were willing to travel for a little adventure back then. It's about 90 mins from us and we have never been back. After the movie we went to the mall that had just opened and one of the things we did was have our pictures taken in the instant photo booth. I love these pictures. The kids were so cute, and we had such a wonderful day together. Thinking of that with tomorrow being Thanksgiving and how thankful I am to have these three "men" in my life. Tomorrow we are heading out for our Fall family photo. We have big plans, so I hope we get some good shots.


GrmpaGrmma said...

Too cute! Hope your Fall Family photo turns out - I think we need a new family photo. We do have so much to be thankful for. Jacob had made a Thankful tree at the babysitters and we all had to write something on the colorful leaves. Mine was almost not big enough! We made it home safe and sound around 5:30 p.m. today and Stan's off to the Bronco hockey game. We had a wonderful time with Kelly, Petrica, Jacob & Caleb, Mike & Phyllis and Danny and his friend Kayla - beautiful turkey supper along with all the trimmings on Saturday supper and then a game of Phase 10 after little ones were put to bed. Stan & I came in first and second and we all got to bed shortly after 12:00 which was the goal whether we were finished or not. We went out to Wendy's for lunch today around 11:30 and on the road after that.

Have a great day tomorrow and hope everyone can think of something they are very, very thankful for. We love you so much - BIG HUGS TO ALL! We'll give you a call tomorrow to get caught up on your weekend.

Oh Shannon - congratulations on your hats going in a store - I know you will do great. They would make a wonderful Christmas gift - keep us informed as to how it's going.

Denis & Irene said...

Looking so forward to seeing your fall family photo. It really is fall when you look at the trees but today we were hard pressed to believe it was so late in the year. We went to Strathcona Park to meet up with a group of people for a BBQ over a wonderful fire. We roasted marshmallows, smokies and hot dogs and didn't leave until after 5 p.m. Hard to believe you can be comfortable temperature wise at that time of day at this time of year. The young ones had a great time in the park and the adults basked in the sun and had a very enjoyable time.

Back to Lethbridge tomorrow to visit with friends that we haven't seen for a good part of the summer. Kathy and Gary got back from Portugal yesterday and we're anxious to hear their comments. We just loved our time there. Ted and Cheryl leave for Yuma next week so we have to touch base with them prior to their leaving. Hair cuts, bank meetings, medical tests, tire rotations, vehicle service and all the mundane stuff seems to pile up but has to be addressed. We love to get it all over with so that we can enjoy lunches and dinners with our friends. Christmas shopping is in full swing and an enjoyable part of our week. Hope everyone has the time to take advantage of the good shopping deals that only October can offer.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Love to all