Wednesday, 1 June 2011

Week 36

Week 36 and a slight change of venue. Kaedo wanted to use the toadstool we have in the front garden. Sterling, not so much. The kid is a spaz about spiders, webs and bugs and it took some cajoling and a "get the hell in there" to make it happen. I think it is a cute change from the norm. Soon we will be doing our pool pictures. I hope they teach this gnome how to swim. I couldn't find water wings small enough for last years gnome so now he is terrified of the water!


Denis & Irene said...

Great soccer photo Craig. You look wonderful Kaed. We are so glad that you got a lot of play time. Great gnome photo also. I don't like spiders or webs either Sterling, snakes are ok though. Any of those in your garden???

Last week was quiet, this week is crazy busy. It seems that everyone is around and we are eating far too much. Looking forward to the hockey game tonight. A friend phoned to say that he was coming over after supper and Denis said he could come as long as he watched the game. I think Denis is resting up for it while I'm here at the library using their computers. Mine is definitely crashed but I'm doing research on laptops before I commit to a new one. It's going to have to be before the 13th when we head up to Drumheller for a bit.

Picked up some maps today. That makes our planned trip seem like it is for real. Hopefully it works out. If not, there's always next year.

Weather is not great here today, it's threatening rain and a thunderstorm has been predicted. Glad your weather isn't as warm as it was yesterday. Eastern summers are not so good when it's that humid.

Love to all

GrmpaGrmma said...

Great photo once again. Sterling, I don't like spiders or webs either BUT for sure I hate snakes!!! as Craig and Kelly can both tell you how they had to kill a little garter snake many years ago that was in our back yard - still makes me shiver thinking about it.

We really wish we could get some of your beautiful weather here. Yesterday wasn't too bad of a day but I spent most of it at our church helping at a funeral from 11:30 a.m. till 4:30 p.m. Got outside to water plants and relax for abit.


Safe travels once again Irene & Denis! Sounds like you're ready to get on the "road again". Thanks for the tip re: headaches - I'll give it a try next time. When I went for a chir. appt. the next day, after he worked on me, he informed me I had 3 ribs out of place - I guess that could have caused the headache!! Take care.