Tuesday 7 June 2011

ProAction Cops and Kids Event

Kaedo was very lucky to have the opportunity to participate in the ProAction Cops and Kids event in Hamilton on Sunday. One of the coaches on his soccer team is a police officer and he was organizing a team from our area to play in a baseball tournament that was put on by the different police forces in the GTA. At 9:30am they boarded a school bus and headed out - there is nothing better than a bunch of very excited 12 year old boys. They got out there - kicked some serious butt and won all three games, winning gold for the tournament. They got to have police officers play on their team, meet a police horse (which Kaedo thought was amazing), eat a TON of junk food, get a hat, shirt and medal and get home sweaty and tired at 7:30pm. It was a wonderful day for him and a great opportunity and we were thrilled he was asked and given the chance to participate. It was a day he won't soon forget.

In other news - HE SCORED HIS FIRST GOAL!!!! I know many of you received calls last night - we like to keep you in the loop. He was thrilled and of course I was at a damn council meeting and couldn't be there! Oh well, I'm sure there will be others.

Have a great day!


GrmpaGrmma said...

THANKS FOR THE CALL LAST NIGHT KAEDEN!!! We were thrilled for you for scoring your FIRST goal and yes Shannon, there will be others we're sure.

What a fun day you had on Sunday as well Kaeden - that was wonderful that you were chosen to participate and what nice keepsakes for you to remember that day.

We had a beautiful day yesterdy and like we said to Craig, we were invited to a BBQ firepit over at Larry & Fayes and good thing we went because this morning we wake up again to rain!! The poor few flowers that we do have around the yard just don't seem to want to grow but I'm sure they are craving the sun like all of us.

We're heading out in about 1/2 for our Tuesday morning coffee and I'll be staying this morning because no Line Dancing.

Hope your meeting went well Shannon and have a great day!
Talk to you later this evening.

Love you lots - BIG HUGS TO ALL!

Denis & Irene said...

So happy that you had such a great time at the baseball tournament Kaedo. Winning really was a wonderful bonus. Congratulations also on your first goal. Baba laughed when you reminded him of the bet you had going but instead of sending it, we'll use it when we go to the horse races. May as well spend it like you earned it...betting! That was so fun last time we went and we know it will be great next time also. We'll just have to be a little more discreet so that security doesn't follow us around like last time. You wouldn't want to see Amma and Baba go to jail, I hope.

Love to all