Week 7 already. Boy does time fly. Beautiful day here today as you can see from the lack of jackets at 9am. The boys are well and Sterling is on the countdown to his birthday on Sunday. He is going to an indoor BMX park with two friends and just can't wait. More details later
in the week.
Time sure does fly and the weather does look awesome there. It is beautiful here this morning but cool. Looks like you got your ears lowered Sterling. Can't tell if you did or not Kaeden. The BMX park sounds like a perfect place to celebrate your birthday.
Pedicure this morning, then lunch with Jan and Denis is going for lunch with an old friend he hasn't seen in a couple of years. Got to get the laundry done today as we have lots to do tomorrow to get ready to leave on Thursday plus we have friends coming for dinner.
Love to all
Boys look great!! Our weather is waaaaay different from yours this morning!! It started to snow last night around 7:00 p.m. and kept up all night. We've got lots of snow and the temp shows -1 but it is very, very slushy. Stan was up bright and early and shovelled our sidewalks, the neighbor to the north, the neighbor to the south and also the 87 year old neighbor across the street. Now he's off to his noon hockey - probably a snooze this afternoon will be in order. We always know the white stuff is coming but it seems to hit us hard every time.
Hope everyone is having a great day!
All the best in your travels Denis & Irene - safe journey!!
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