For 15 years we have worn these rings. I love these rings. When we chose them way back in 1995 we knew they were the ones. I love that I have never seen another quite like them. I love that after all these years Craig still wears his and I wear mine. I love to look at my ring and remember our wedding and the vows we made to each other (I remember repeating those vows looking at the justice of the peace - ha). What I know for sure is that I love Craig and the life we have built together. Through our hard times and good times we have stuck together and have made the best of every situation. Thank you Craig, for standing by me throughout these years. I love you.
Well I lost the first one so we'll try again.
They are lovely rings and I know that you are so happy that you bought them. It was a bit of a crunch at the time as they were way more expensive than you thought you should spend. So glad you've never regretted it.
We all have our hard times and good times, generally way more good times. That being said, the bad times seem to stand out more. I guess it's like the day before pay day, we're broke and fretting but we forget about the previous 28 when we had money in our pocket. Such is life and we can never take it too lightly when we feel times are hard. We just have to remember that the good ones are just around the corner.
Saturday we are off for places unknown. We have no idea where we're headed except in a southerly direction along the coast. I'm sure we'll find some safe harbour to stay, preferably on a each a little warmer than this one.
Love to all
That should read beach a little warmer than this one.
Interesting, that I opened a Gmail account last week and used a new password. Since then I haven't been able to comment on the blog. Today I used that passwod in error with my hot mail address and it worked. That's kind of scary when they're telling you what password to use. How does that happen Craig?
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