Saturday 20 November 2010


Hello All - Happy Saturday to you, whatever you are doing. All is well here. The boys are hanging out, Craig is at football and I doing this before spending a couple of hours with Sterling then work. 4-midnight today.

Kaedo is going to his friend's house of an epic Nerf Gun Battle. He is all kitted out and has got all his guns, ammo and "army gear". He has been looking forward to this for days. I remember the days when I said my kids would never have guns. Ha! How's that for eating crow? I truly believe it is in boy's DNA. You may disagree but anyone who knows me knows I have never suggested the purchase of guns or encouraged it yet both my guys love them.

Tomorrow we have soccer at 11am and 6pm and I am hoping that maybe Craig and I have time for a little date. We are trying to go out just the two of us for an hour or so on Sundays. Hopefully it will work out. If not, there is always next week.

Looking forward to a couple of days off - love having them in a row. I have cards to make (9) and want to get that done tomorrow or Monday. I am working at the centre on Tuesday so I am trying to get my kiss ass (not kick ass) holiday cards done for the bigwigs.

Hope you have a great Saturday, whatever you plan to do.

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