Wednesday, 17 November 2010

Week 8

Week 8 and my boys just keep getting more handsome. The weather is great here. Knock on wood. We have been blessed with a glorious Fall.
Had the opportunity to speak with Shirley on Monday about our Christmas. This will be the first year in 15 we have ever hosted a Christmas. Granted, Shirley will be doing the cooking, everyone will be in our house. We are looking so forward to having everyone visit. Thinking about Christmas and our non-traditional traditions made me think of how much we have made Christmas our own. It will be fun sharing some of those traditions with the Klassen clan. Little kids in the house on Christmas will be fun. I'm looking forward to seeing those two cuties and their faces lighting up at the magic that is Christmas. My sweet boys still love everything that Christmas means but it's not quite the same as having little ones around.
Stay tuned for some Christmas tradition posts coming in December.


Annette said...

Great photo! I thought about you guys the other day...we were in Canadian Tire and they had little Roughrider gnomes! They were so stinkin' cute and I almost got one... but then I didn't know if you guys cheered the Riders or not. It's unbelievable what you can find with a Rider's logo on it out here!

I can't believe Christmas is coming so quickly! You guys are going to have so much fun with everyone there! I feel really, really guilty this year. My mom is a nurse so we were used to untraditional Christmas celebrations but this is Sandra & Gord's first Christmas alone since before the boys were born but Jeremy has to work :( Maybe you can come here and help me get in Christmas mode....I don't even know where to begin!

Take Care!

GrmpaGrmma said...

Love seeing the boys on the blog every week - just like keeping in touch without hugging them - maybe we need a picture of mom and dad together on the blog once in awhile!!!

Sooooo looking forward to our Christmas together - I've started a list of "things" to be thinking of before we come - just checked the calendar and it's now 36 sleeps!! This morning we woke up to snow coming down but not much fell altogether. While mom, Roberta and I were walking out of the mall after lunch today - it was just beautiful, the snow flakes were coming straight down. As they fell on my black gloves you could see the beautiful design they made - unbelievable how gorgeous they are till they all pile up together.

Stan's still not feeling up to par yet - he's been sitting around all day and just decided to go for a walk to the corner store to get some fresh air. Must be a 3-4 day bug - hope he doesn't pass it on to me.

Jeremy & Annette - have a fun time together at Christmas. Start your own traditions doing something special. We were playing cards with Gord & Sandra the other night and she said they will do their traditional fondu together (a romantic evening!!)on Christmas eve. It is very hard when it doesn't work out for families to all get together for Christmas but it doesn't have to be special just at Christmas - make it a special time anytime you're together.

Hope you're all having a great day - BIG HUGS TO ALL!

Denis & Irene said...

Another wonderful gnome photo. You guys truly are more handsome than the gnome.

Christmas isn't very far away and I'm in a panic as we have nothing purchased for our granddaughters. Hope to get something done on Black Friday either in Salem or Eugene Oregon. We will be on the coast at South Beach which is mid way between each and then some. Didn't plan that too well, hoped to be a little closer to one city or another, didn't much matter which one. We'll go in by car and leave the motor home on the coast.

The window is open and the surf is pounding. The sound is absolutely the best in the world. The grass is green, the ferns and trees are lush but it is still cooler than we would like, only 7-10C, which makes it cool on the beach even with a ski jacket on.

We're going to save 1/4 of the turkey we bought yesterday for Xmas but I think we'll eat out on Xmas day and have a seafood meal. It's always nice to do something different and we usually have our seafood on Xmas Eve. I think we'll reverse it this year. It's hard to be traditional when you're on the beach instead of freezing your buns off. Thanksgiving is a bigger event than Xmas here so we're looking forward to spending it in Ocean City. We have booked four days there and the resort will have a huge Thanksgiving potluck. The resort usually supplies the turkey, stuffing, gravy, potatoes and the rest while the guests supply all the extras. We've loved every Thanksgiving we've spent down here. The buses are already showing their "Happy Thanksgiving" signs instead of their destination.

Wonderful scenery today from Sequim to Copalis. We took the backer of back roads, not even a route number. The reservation roads are narrow but very well kept plus they are empty of traffic. We went 20 miles on one of them and only saw two other cars the whole way. It's a little creepy sometimes but well worth the awesome views that you would never see from a state highway or freeway. To date we have done 1100 miles and only been on the freeway for 60 miles. That was the only road in that area that wasn't closed due to snow.

Love to all