Since Christmas seems to be right around the corner, I thought I would start every week posting some pictures from Christmas past. In 2003, our first year in Ontario, we returned to Saskatchewan and Alberta for the holidays. In 2004 we had our first stay at home Christmas. It was the first time in my life I hadn't been with my family. That was the year we started some of our own traditions. Here is a picture from Christmas morning 2004 that I thought was hilarious. The boys would kill me if they knew I posted this. Thankfully they don't read the blog. That year the big gifts were GT SnowRacers and Rescue Heroes. This year it's an XBOX and a laptop. The funny thing is that those gifts probably wont be much more than the piles of little ones I have ended up buying in years past. We're looking forward to having the Klassens here for Christmas and the boys are excited to be playing with their cousins. Will miss my family as I always do, but after a tough year, I am glad Jessica, the girls and mom and dad will all be together.
Should be fun seeing photos from the Christmas past. I was just checking all our Christmas photos from 2003 when you came home to see what we did over the years. It is such fun to see how much everyone has changed. We too are sooooo looking forward to coming to your home for Christmas. You will miss your family as you always do Shannon and I will miss being with my mom as well. I know my sisters and families will look after her during the holiday but being the oldest, it is hard to let go of that responsibility. It's like she's my child and I'm the parent. Like this afternoon, I took her for her eye appt. and then for coffee and home to get her settled before I headed home myself. I know once we're on our way, I'll be just fine! It is very good that Jessica and the girls will be spending time with your mom and dad. Hope things go well for you Jessica - it was wonderful seeing you last week!
Well, best think of something for supper - hope the rest of your day went well - BIG HUGS TO ALL!!
Tell me you're not picking your nose, 'cause it sure looks that way, both of you. It's bittersweet looking back on Christmas's that are past. FOr sure, as we age, Christmas isn't the same. We look forward to having Jessica and the girls and I hope that their first Christmas as a three person family unit will be happy. I know it will be awesome for us.
I'm sure you're thrilled to be spending time with your boys and their families this Christmas, Shirley. We know you'll have an awesome time. I know that Shannon and Craig are so looking forward to your visit.
I have to keep this going a little longer as Denis is actually doing the laundry and I don't think I'll bother going to help. As long as I'm doing something, no guilt. I wasn't keen to do it for another couple of days but he was, so have at 'er. Too funny, well here he is, all folded up and joked that he left some there since no one came to help him. LOL.
Love to all
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