Wednesday 1 September 2010

week 49

Last summer gnome picture of 2010. Too cute. This is a great picture of both of them. Which has been hard to come by in 49 weeks of taking these pictures. Usually one looks dazed.
Today is filled with golf in the morning and appointments in the afternoon. We will enjoy all being together as this is our last day of summer holidays all together. The boys have had a great week biking, swimming, building my new desk and hanging out with Craig. This time next week we will be talking about school, teachers, favorite classes and which girls suddenly got cute over the summer.


GrmpaGrmma said...

What a gorgeous picture of you two!!! What a change since your first gnome photo of 2009! Hope your golf game was lots of fun and you got through all your appointments in the afternoon and had a FANTASTIC day together!!

Sunny here this morning and then by late afternoon, dull and dreary and now this evening rain. It's supposed to be nice for the long weekend so hope we can get a few things done around here before we head out on Tuesday.


Denis & Irene said...

Gnomee looks in very poor shape, but you guys look awesome. Glad you had a great golf game.

Heading to Lethbridge tomorrow for a lunch and hair date. I love those pampering days. There's not enough of them.

Only 57 days left until we see you and just two months before we head south for the winter. Plan to be gone from November 4 to April 15. Talked with a lady from Mexico yesterday and she didn't recommend travelling by vehicle through that country. She was very sad as she felt her country was really becoming violent and didn't feel safe there herself. We really want to go down the Baja to Cabo but we'll have to wait until we get closer to see what the natives think. We have a couple that would like to travel with us but we hate travelling with anyone.

Weather was nice here today, thunderstorms late afternoon but very clear here this evening.

Love to all