Thursday 23 September 2010

Ya Me!

Look at me go! I may be able to moonlight as a locksmith. The last thing that needed to be done in the office was install a doorknob with a lock. I was going to leave it to Craig but thought 'why not? I can do it'. And so I did. A small thing but I am happy to have done it myself. Feels good to tackle what I would always have left as a blue job. Don't get any crazy ideas that I will be changing my own tires or performing an oil change, but if you need a new lock, let me know. I'm your man!

1 comment:

GrmpaGrmma said...

WAY TO GO SHANNON!! Looks like a job well done!

We made it to P.A. yesterday around 4:30 p.m. safe and sound. Jacob went to school with his mom and we had a morning with Caleb. We went for a walk to the mall for b'day boy to buy his luck tickets!!(Hopefully) We went to Jacob's school to see his classroom and met one of his teachers and then went to their favorite place for lunch - THE BIG "M"!! Got home awhile ago and Caleb is having his afternoon nap and Grampa and Jacob just finished playing a game and they are ready to watch Toy Story.

I think I'll find my book and relax for the afternoon.

Tomorrow morning we're going to drive out to Shellbrook to visit Gail & Carma. Gail had knee surgery a week ago yesterday and is staying with Carma for a couple of weeks. Jacob and Logan play well together so it should be a fun morning.

Hope you're having a great day and everything is working out for you!