Kaedo is OBSESSED with scootering (is that a word?). He loves it and spends hours outside doing tricks, coaching our neighbor, hanging out at the skate park and just doing some awesome stuff. There are a lot of names for the tricks and both he and Sterling spend a lot of our supper conversation on the latest tricks that have been perfected and the wipe outs that have occurred. Craig and I don't know what trick they are talking about when they say "toe tap" or "fakey" but we love to hear them talk about it. Enjoy!
Nice moves Kaedo! Great video, love the photos but the video really brings them to life.
Beautiful weather today and hopefully it will last until November. Denis has winterized the water pump but would like to leave the awning up until the
15th so hope it stays nice. He'll start taking everything down for cleaning and putting away as soon as he gets his motorcycle fixed. He wants to work on that this weekend.
Love to all
Looks like you've got some pretty nifty moves there Kaeden - the video was great!
Beautiful day here again as well - Stan got a golf game in with his brother Leonard. I told him I have a hard enough time finding the ball without all those beautiful leaves lying on the ground. I went Line Dancing and then when I got home, I was in a baking mood. It could have been the ripe bananas sitting on the cupboard begging to be baked so baking I did. I made 3 different kinds of muffins and they will come in handy this weekend while we're working at the Fall Into Christmas Craft Show. We start tomorrow at 1:00 p.m. to get things decorated and exhibitors come at 4:00 p.m. to set up so we should be out of there around 6:30 - 7:00 p.m.
Have a great day tomorrow - BIG HUGS TO ALL!
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