Sunday, 26 September 2010

One from the Archives

Craig came across this picture yesterday and I just had to post it. I think it was taken at the Calgary Zoo - I'm not sure why I think that but I do. This is pre-Ontario. They look so adorable. It is hard to remember them at this age when they take off to the skatepark with a brief wave and an even briefer "call you later". Their independence makes life easier but bitter sweet. While I don't want to go back to having children that are 100% dependent on me, changing diapers, not having complete conversations, etc, a little sadness creeps in when I see these pictures.


GrmpaGrmma said...

That is such a cute picture of Sterling & Kaeden - it truly is hard to believe that they have grown up so fast.

We had a beautiful day here today with sunshine all day long. It was quite breezy but hopefully it helped all the farmers waiting to get in the fields. We had a fun afternoon playing Canasta and us girls beat the boys which made it even more fun. Hope the rest of your day went well and you got all your shopping done.


Denis & Irene said...

I looked at Kaeden and thought of Avery. Is there a resemblance or is it my imagination? How cute they were and still are.

Love to all