Thursday, 2 September 2010

15 years

After a courtship that moved at the speed of light (10 months from Hello to I Do), we are celebrating 15 years. And they thought it wouldn't last.
What a ride it has been. We have weathered many storms, flourished with many triumphs and have stuck together through it all. Following in Kelly's footsteps, here are some fun facts about our 15 years:
2 tweenagers
6 houses/apartments
At least 8 fish
2 turtles
1 dog
8 vehicles
1 university education and graduation
1 college education and graduation
1 career for Craig
7 jobs and one career for Shannon
One dream vacation to Florida
6 weeks in the hospital for Shannon
A move across the Country
2 nieces and 2 nephews
...and too many other things to count.

Thanks to everyone who have supported us as we have gone through the good and hard times. We love you.

Craig - you are the best. The best husband, the best father, the best friend. You are always there for me and I will never be able to tell you or show you how much I love you and our life together. Here's to the next 15.


GrmpaGrmma said...

WISHING YOU A HAPPY 15TH ANNIVERSARY!!! We love you both so much and are so proud of ALL of your accomplishments over your years together!! Have a wonderful day and a FANTASTIC year ahead! I'm not sure who you meant by "they" thought it wouldn't last but dad and I knew you two were so in love and would make it work no matter what anyone else thought - way to go! It was fun reading all the fun facts over your 15 years and it would be fun making note of our "fun facts" over our 42 years - it would make a long list and one to be very thankful for.


Denis & Irene said...

HAPPY HAPPY 15TH ANNIVERSARY! Sorry we couldn't connect today but I did sing into your voice mail, probably broke the phone.

It's obvious from Stan and Shirley's post that they weren't the ones who thought it wouldn't last and we didn't for a minute. We knew you would both share a wonderful life together.

We wish you a lifetime of happiness together. How fast the time has gone! Wow, it doesn't seem like 15 years ago.

We love you both very much and hope you had a wonderful day.

KPJC said...

15 YEARS?????? Congratulatiions - that is as long as my teaching career has been, can that be true?? I too am not the one who did no think it would last. Your list of accomplishments is much longer than mine - you have ten years on us (I gave you a head start). Anyway, we wish you many more happy years.

Annette said...

Happy Anniversary! You guys have gone through a lot and it's good to see the love and friendship you still share! Hope you had a great day!

And, hijack that quiz all you want. I'm actually going to end up scrapbooking it. Right after I got it, Jeremy and I were laying in bed unable to fall asleep, so I quietly asked him those questions too! I'm going to make a His/Hers version of 20 questions sometime....our answers are shockingly similar but uniquely different. You should so do a His/hers version too with Craig!