Thursday, 10 January 2008

Thursday already?

Hi everyone -
Thursday - where has the week gone? All is well here. The boys are doing well and they have gotten back into the groove of school and activities. Sterling started tennis again on Monday night and Kaed is back to TKD.
Wanted to mention a cool project that Sterling is a part of with his English teacher. It is called the Nobody Project and you can learn more about it at
His class did this last year, and it was to help a person, place or thing. This year they are working on the environment. What is cool about this project is that each child chooses something they are interested in within the parameters of the project and gets to present it to the class. They also get to take home this "doll", Nobody, and sew, string, staple, tie, something to the doll's body that is a symbol of whatever their cause is. This doll starts off as just a denim "person" with arms and legs, no eyes or anything. Every time a child brings him home they add something to him relating to their cause, and at the end of the project, "it" is a Somebody/Everybody, not a Nobody.
This year Sterling has decided to adopt an acre of the Rain forest. He has chosen Basque El Impossible in El Salvador. There are cool reasons why he chose this area, and it is fun to listen to him speak about it. What we did (following the lead of some kids last year) was write a letter to the students explaining what Sterling was doing and how he wanted to adopt this on behalf of the entire class. He asked for a $1 donation from each child IF they wanted to/could participate. He then explained that through doing chores, etc he would match every dollar that was donated and then Craig and I would match that. One acre is $100. The more the better, I have been told. His class has really stepped up and are very interested, so it should be good. He has a lot of work to do, but I think we can get it done by Feb 15. That's the goal. So what do you think? Pretty cool, eh?
He gets to bring Nobody home tomorrow and he will have to decide what to add to him. I was thinking a snake around his leg, or a tree or something. He would like a Ocelot (endangered) but I haven't quite figured out how to do that. Whatever he wants I will make happen. Last year he made a little book (1.5 x 1") and attached that and a miniature shape-o-toy to Nobody's arm. One of the boys did a whole bunch of recycling and he used the lids from pop bottles to make eyes. Just awesome.

just thought I would pass that on. While Sterling isn't very conscious of turning off the lights in the house, he is quite environmental and granola. He has strong opinions about animal cruelty, Hummers and other gas guzzlers, our environment and how what we do affects everything else. Very astute, for 10 - I think.

Ok - that's it,
talk later,

I've read this over 9 times, so if there is a typo don't tell me

edited: amazingly enough - within 5 minutes of posting this Craig called me to tell me about a typo


Denis & Irene said...

Happy Thursday! Hope it's not my last. Does any one know how long Stouffer's dinners can remain thawed before being eaten? We had no microwave last night so opted for pizza. We have a microwave tonight so I cooked the dinners which I brought from the Hat. It tasted good but when your hungry who tastes.

Sterling, do motorhomes place close to Hummers in the gas guzzling department? Do you think they are bad for the environment? I read an article that said motorhome people use less energy because they don't have a home. We have a home, a motorhome. We sent you some mail from Estevan, keep your eyes pealed (peeled??) We are very proud of you and your thoughts and actions concerning the environment.

Kaedo, how're the stripes coming? Have you got your patterns down pat? We expect to hear about a new colour that you'll be wearing around your waist. It was great talking with you on the weekend.

We have arrived in Oklahome City, OK. I said that I wasn't putting in another big day, I lied. We should be in Houston tomorrow which is a day earlier than we thought. It was a beautiful drive through Nebraska. They had
about 8" of snow last night and it was so awesome. The sun was shining this morning and the snow on the rolling hills and creeks was just beautiful. The roads were the pits but you can't have everything.

How's your parking doing, Shannon?

Love to all

Jessica said...

Congratulations Sterling on your wonderful project. I would like to help and will donate $1 for every dollar you raise at school. That means that if you raise $30 at school, I will match it with another $30. If the school raises $50, I will match with another $50. I think what you are doing is wonderful and I am so proud of the wonderful example you are setting for the kids at school and for us old people around you. I think us old folks take a lot of things for granted and it is up to you younger people to teach us that we have to appreciate what we have, including the clean air produced by the rain forest. Good luck and let me know how much to send. I expect a call from you personally with the total. You'll have your cash within the hour. Love to all.

Anty Panty