Friday 4 January 2008


Hi All -
Happy Friday to you.
All is well here. Craig is painting the boy's bathroom, the boys are downstairs making the bed (watching TV) and I'm in here doing this. Back to routine tomorrow and adding a new item on our already busy to-do list. Bowling starts back up tomorrow at 11, and TKD is at 11:30. Sunday we get to watch the boys sit on the ski hill for 90 minutes trying to snowboard. Should be fun. I am clearing off my camera so I can take some video to post here.
The boys have been doing some sledding this week, and invited their friend N to come with them yesterday. Can I just say that Craig is a bigger kid than them? They all had fun and naturally, Craig rocks! Everyone came back here for some lunch and an afternoon of play. N went home at 4 and Craig picked him up at 4:40 for TKD. Good day.
As I have already said, I will be glad for the routine to re-start. Sterling is going back to tennis for another session, and while I am writing this I am thinking that I better check if he starts on Monday. We have altered our schedule a bit making it possible for us to have the night off on Friday instead of Monday. The more we get into the Spring, the more the kids all want to be outside and the two families pretty much give them their freedom on Friday nights.
What a change from last year. L and I were talking about it the other day. This time last year we were still supervising them at the school, and this year they are heading off sledding by themselves. Shocking. A and a friend even went to Tim Horton's for a drink the other day. It is cool to see them growing up and getting the freedom as well as the responsibility. I know that we are working hard to give a nice balance between the two.

Have been skulking the blogs watching the drama that is Britney Spears. If you are interested go here. It is very, very sad. Never a kid, kids too young, too much money, family that would sell her to the highest bidder, and while she was never a kid she seems to have never grown up. Very scary. Makes you hope your kids lead a life of mediocrity. I don't mean that in the "never amount to anything" way, just that they have happy, peaceful, good lives, out of close scrutiny, where they can just be themselves. Just my opinion.

OK - enough soapbox for one day. If I don't "talk" to you before Monday, have a great weekend.
talk later,

1 comment:

Denis & Irene said...

Happy Friday and great talking with you so much today. That was a bonus. Jessica called about 10 times, that's because we kept getting cut off. They are having a wonderful time but I note a touch of missing her baby girl. I think mom is starting to pine a little. I don't blame her, she has a wonderful little girl. Our week of grandparenting is coming to an end and it has flown by. Having said that, if I never see Big Comfy Couch again, it will be too soon. Emma is definitely a couch potato and TV-aholic if allowed to be. I hear that complaint from the other side of the family also. I must say though, TREE is way more gentle than some of the cartoons and shows that used to be on when our kids were young. The shows teach kindness and caring, no road runner and coyote, thank goodness.

Boys, we hope you have a wonderful time snowboarding, and please don't hurt yourselves or else Amma and Baba will never forgive themselves. Snow sports are so fun and something you can do for years and years, so enjoy.

Have a good time at TKD, Kaed. Hope you get your patterning stripe soon, I bet that's the hardest one to get.

Enjoy bowling, Sterling. A turkey on the screen would be awesome.

As for Britney, Lindsay, Paris, comment...too much to say.

Love to all