Tuesday, 22 January 2008


So, Heath Ledger died today. He was an Australian actor who I know best from A Knight's Tale and Brokeback Mountain. 28. How sad and scary is that. No one knows for sure what has happened yet, but they think it was an accidental overdose of sleeping pills and that he had pneumonia at the time and all things together, I guess.
These kinds of things make me very sad. In his case, a 2 year old daughter is left behind. Is it good or bad that she won't remember her dad?

Anyway, not much to write about today.
Life is so precious, isn't it?
Gotta hug my kids one extra time today.


Denis & Irene said...

It is very sad, all that talent and all that potentially good life, gone. It's not just famous people that get caught in these accidental overdoses. Anyone who takes prescription drugs and maybe takes an over the counter medicine to help relieve a cold or flu has the potential of never waking up in the morning. Most people I know do have Dr. prescribed drugs, be it for cholesterol, thyroid, high blood pressure. Do you know how they will react with Tylenol or Aspirin or a sleeping pill? Find out people.

I'd like to hug my kids today too, but they're not here overlooking the Rio Grande and backing onto the 3rd fairway.

Love to all

GrmpaGrmma said...

Life is so very precious and we never know when it will be our turn to go. We always let our loved ones know how much we love them and we do miss hugging them! Our prayers each day are for each and every one to be safe in their travels, school and home at all times. We love you very much.


Jessica said...

It's funny that you wrote 'is it good or bad that she won't remember her dad' in speaking of Matilda (Heath Ledger's daughter). That is what I was thinking all day. It's good because she doesn't have to mourn and will just go on with her life. But it is so sad because she will never get the opportunity to know him. In watching some of his interviews since he died it is incredibly apparent that he loved his daughter. At least one day she will be able to take some comfort in that.