Friday, 30 November 2007

It's a ...boy?

Hi All -
for those of you that don't know, the parental units bought a new house. It totally kicks. They have sent the boys' pictures of their new rooms and they are very excited to go visit. Sterling was assured that Baba was keeping his dremel as they have much more space now. I look forward to visiting. Now all they have to do is buy some flowers.

Stay tuned tomorrow for an update on our first ever Advent calendar. Tonight we are sitting down and watching some of the old Christmas shows we used to watch on TV as kids. Laura has kindly loaned them to us. Thank you, my friend - as you would say!

Gotta go - can smell burning wood - Sterling is using his dremel.

talk later,


Wednesday, 28 November 2007


Billboard at Shoeless Joes:

we eat kids for free

Guess where we are going on Sunday?

Tuesday, 27 November 2007

Ta Dah!

This is my take on the Advent Calendar. I saw it on another blog and have made it to suit us. I love it! They are jewellery boxes that have been decorated and I have used a magnet to stick them to the fridge. I plan to put little clues in each box so the boys can search out their treat. I think it will be fun. We have never had an advent calendar before, as Sterling can't have the store bought ones, so this is the year! Better late than never. I am trying to create opportunities for memories that will last throughout their lives. I hope this is one of them.
What kind of traditions do you have? Let me know. I'm always looking to scoop someone else's idea.
talk later,

Monday, 26 November 2007


Hi All -
Working on a project today, listening to Josh Groban "Noel", drinking a diet coke, and loving this fall weather. I can smell the cinnamon pine cones I have put out and am actually excited to put up our tree. (OH MY GOD!) Can I just say that Josh Groban has the most amazing voice I have ever heard. I would so recommend to anyone to buy his CD.

Hope you had a good weekend. Ours was good. Busy as always but we had some good family time. Sterling bowled on Saturday and got a 269 for his three games. He did well on the first and last and kinda tanked it in the middle. He was in good spirits though and didn't let it get him too down. A french fries bribe at the does wonders. It does for me, so why not him. He got some new badges. His 125 (last week), as well as "I beat my coach" and another for being in the top certain kids for his pinfalls. He didn't even know about this so was pleasantly surprised to get the badge. He didn't move on to the next level, but doesn't care as he never knew he was in the first level.

Got all of my Alberta/Saskatchewan Christmas shopping done and have wrapped and labelled it all. It is sitting in a box right now, but I need to get a bigger one as it all doesn't fit. Plan to get it out this week.

Sent Ken's birthday present today. It is a special one so we hope he likes it.

Sunday brought the final swimming lesson. Sterling PASSED! he was so thrilled. He had been doing school swimming lessons at the same time as these and did not pass, but passed yesterday. He has really been anti-swimming as he is the oldest in his class. He's now moving up and should be more comfortable. Kaeden didn't pass but did awesome none the less. He was really bummed when he got out of his lessons and told Craig that he wouldn't do lessons again (not an option) and no more triathlons. I spoke with him when he got home and reminded him he had jumped skipped 2 levels to be in this class and he only had two things to work on. We also talked about how his distance swimming is going to help him kick ass in the triathlons. He's good now. No swimming lessons for them through the winter as we have something else in store for them.

Tonight is our night off so I am looking forward to that. I have time to spend with the boys without shuttling from one place to another.

Will have some pix of a fun project I "craft-lifted" (not crap-lifted). Will show you later in the week.

Well, enjoy your Monday. Listen to some Christmas music, count your blessings, grab your favorite drink (it's 5 o'clock somewhere) and enjoy your day.

talk later,

Friday, 23 November 2007

Deck The Halls

What a great afternoon! My VGF (very good friend) Laura came over and we made these awesome trees. So fun and easy to do. Guess I better start pulling out my Christmas decorations! It was so nice just to hang out, have some treats, poke ourselves in the finger, help each other make the monumental decisions as to where a certain button should go.

It's always nice to spend time with someone you care about. Who would have known 4 years ago that we would become such great friends. Thanks, Laura - I love you.



sorry the pix aren't great but that's the way it goes

Thursday, 22 November 2007

White Boys Can't Jump

Sorry for the obscure movie reference in the title, running short on wit tonight. Since we take turns driving to basketball, this is the first real chance I got to take a picture of Sterling in action. He really seems to enjoy playing and is doing quite well. It's just too bad that the snow has started to fall and he hasn't been able to practice outside. Nonetheless, I think for right now it's a toss up between which he enjoys more, basketball or bowling. Next time he sees his Uncle Kelly he'll have to ask for some tips since his Dad doesn't know much about the sport. Enjoy the pictures.


Tuesday, 20 November 2007

This could be the last...

I took Kaeden to the annual Scotiabank Kid's Holiday Celebration (politically correct 'cause Heaven forbid we should celebrate Christmas) for the last time. They only get invited until they turn 8 so Kado and I trekked down to the exhibition grounds to a big trade show venue(couldn't get Roger's Centre since the Argos were busy getting beat). Wasn't quite as intimate as the Roger's Centre and everything was pretty spread out, but having said that, Kaeden had a great time and enjoyed the lice pits and got his present. He willingly sat on Santa's lap though this year he said to me, 'the little kids are so excited to see Santa because they don't know he isn't the real one', so I said, 'How do you know?', and he replied, 'Because the real Santa doesn't let anyone see him, these are just guys dressed up as Santa'. Whaddaya gonna say to that? Even still, I got a good pic of Kaeden (Santa looks less than enthused) and he even told Santa what he wanted, good deal. So here it is, what could be the last Santa picture we get since the kids refuse to sit on the mall Santa's lap.

p.s. - Shannon gets a reprieve from posting tomorrow since this is the second post today.


Mom and dad were just at Graceland so I asked mom to send me some pictures. They are so awesome, as usual.
The house was built in 1939 and Elvis bought it in 1957. Sorry the pictures are out of order, when I uploaded them from mom's email I screwed them up.

I wonder how he stood up with those belt buckles!

Simply amazing

The Buddha/monkey is a bit creepy but the room is kinda rad!

Wonder if he sued his decorator after this room was done

Very basic kitchen after seeing the splendor of the rest of the house. I think we used to have a fridge like that!

Love this stained glass
Now that is a couch!

That's it for now. Mom and dad are in Houston, so maybe we'll get some more pictures. This not having to blog is great! Keep the photos coming!
talk later,

Monday, 19 November 2007


"Hey Sterling, I got silver fillings"
"Dude, let me check out your bling...nice".
Now this is what I'm talking about. Antebellum homes in New Orleans. These are my types of homes. You can keep all your new homes and give me one with character, creaking floors and a huge veranda. Craig - can we get one of these?

St. Patrick's Church - New Orleans - gorgeous. It doesn't hurt that mom takes the best pictures! I am in awe of stained glass. Absolutely brilliant (must have been a woman).

Look at that altar! I think I would be so busy staring that I wouldn't hear any of the service.
Special thanks to mom for the great photos. I love to see your travels. Now where are the ones from Graceland????
talk soon,

Saturday, 17 November 2007

it's all over but the dishes

What an AWESOME night! The food was great, the company was better. Speaking for Craig and I, we had just a fantastic time. You know when your meal just turns out perfect and everything runs smoothly and the kids get along and you don't run out of anything to say? That was our night.
Laura - I know you read this - thanks!
As I mentioned in a previous post, this was our first "dinner party". We will definitely do it again. I am so thankful to have such great friends. Who would have known that 4 years ago we would buy their house and become good friends. That only happens in the movies, doesn't it?

In other news - Sterling did great bowling today. He had fun, which is the most important and kept up with his average. He also got his 125 badge. I know what I'll be doing this week.
Craig played football this morning. His what we think is a fractured hand is bothering him - no duh! He doesn't want to do anything about it in the fear he may have to stop playing football. He says he'll wait until after the season. Interestingly enough he told me just today that he was going directly into winter ball when the season ends. Shirley, just so you don't freak out...he has had an ultrasound and an x-ray.
Tomorrow is swimming lessons and then Craig and Kaedo are going to the bank's holiday celebration at the Exhibition. Sterling and I are gonna "hang" and play Pass the Pigs while listening to the shitty music on his PSP. Ahhhh, what you do for your children. Not only do I listen to that crap and pretend to be interested when he shows me this "really cool thing" on his game, he also kicks my ass at Pass the Pigs. Yeesh
Well, trying to think up a quiz, Kelly. Since you are the only one who commented (hmmmm) I will get working on it.
Cheryl - did Scott get his Mail?

Talk soon,

Friday, 16 November 2007

dinner will be served...

So, guess what?
Tomorrow night we are having the Backyardigans over for dinner and it is the first time we have had someone over besides family. I am so excited! I have planned the menu (Parmesan chicken, mixed veg, baked nugget potatoes, Caesar salad and crusty buns), and got together a little project for the minis to do.
Work is good and we are gearing up for the Winter CHA Show so I have lots of projects to be working on. I was in Markham today and will be back in on Tuesday.
The boys are doing well. Sterling has just finished his first week of Spanish and LOVES it. Hopefully that feeling sticks with him as it goes for the entire school year. Kaed is still busy with TKD Tuesday, Wed and Thurs and I am super lucky to be able to share the driving duties with Chris and Laura. Tennis tonight. Sterling doesn't want to go. "Mom, I haven't played with my PSP aaallll day". I can hear the music pounding out of the speakers as I write this. AAAggghhhh, good times. Not. Bowling tomorrow morning - my favorite activity of the week. I just love it. I think it is a badge week, so I'll keep you posted.
Anyway, I am just blabbering today. Will try and think of something witty for tomorrow.

Quiz, riddle or facts?? Anybody want to let me know what they want?

Mom - can I put some of your pix on here????

Talk soon,

Wednesday, 14 November 2007

easy come, easy go

Well, so much for $300. Sterling has really wanted a PSP so that is what he spent his money on. It is a game system with MP3, camera, movie player and Internet surfing capabilities (which he will not have). For $250 he bought the system, a case and two games. He is thrilled with his purchases. Thanks for the money everyone. He has put it to good use. With the last of his money he plans to buy a movie I think. I'll take him out later in the week to see.
Had him home for lunch today. First time ever. We had quesadillas (his favorite), and read about his PSP. Got him back to school just in time.
Tonight we have TKD then we are going to the movies and coming home to have cake. Another late night. There seems to be many of those lately. OH well - they still get up in the morning with no problems, so I'm not worrying too much.
Once again, thanks everyone. Sterling will be thanking you soon.
lots of love to all
PS - special 11th birthday greetings to Andreyana - you rule!

Tuesday, 13 November 2007

Dremel anyone?

or should I say Mastercraft Rotary Tool?
November 2 Sterling spent part of the day learning how to use Baba's Dremel. He loved it and has so much to say about it afterwards. He showed me some of the things he had been working on and was so thrilled that Baba had let him use such a "grown up" tool.
Since then he has been talking about one, but had been told they were about $200. Last night while at Canadian Tire with Craig they came across a Mastercraft "Dremel". It was regular $80 on for $40 and had 150 attachments, including a clamp for hanging and a light that attaches to the end. Craig phoned and asked what I thought (although I already knew Sterling would get it) and I remembered dad saying that Sterling did awesome with it. So, he bought it. He had received $50 from his party and decided this was what he wanted to spend his money on. What a great choice.
So, last night all I heard was the whirring of the tool and an excited boy saying, "look at this, look what I can do, Kaedo you have to try this, hey I just drilled through this rock, Kaedo drill eyes in that.....". Beautiful sounds.
Now let's hope he doesn't wake up in the middle of the night deciding he needs to make a birdhouse out of his bedroom door.

Monday, 12 November 2007

It's all over but the eating (cake that is)

What a day! So much fun. By far the best birthday party we have hosted. Kaed has already said he wants a Survivor party for his bday. Poor backyardigans are going to have to go through all of this again!

The kids just had a riot. The games were perfect, although Kaed got a little upset with himself during the Word Search. The kids all had great spirit and willingly tried their hardest to win the challenges. I think they had it out for Sterling - so that was even more fun!

Noah was the big wiener - ugh, I mean, big winner. He kicked ass winning 3 out of 5 challenges. Way to go Noah - The ULTIMATE SURVIVOR!

Sterling was thrilled with his gifts. The only thing he had asked for he got - thanks Backyardigans - he was just thrilled with it. Now, all I'm hearing is, "mom, come see this, mom look at this....".

I think what I loved about this party is that it wasn't some huge affair. It was Sterling with his 5 best buddies, having fun. These are the kids he loves the most, that he likes being with, playing with and talking with. I loved it.

When I got back from picking up lunch, the front door was open. All I could hear from the driveway was gales of laughter. Success? I think so.

Here is one of my favorite photos from the party:

This picture is so awesome. He looks so happy! I didn't take the best shot but can hear the birthday song being sung while he smiles. Good memories.

Now we just have his birthday. 10. This is a very special birthday to me. Double digits. He's no longer a little kid. Is he tween? Anyone who knows, please fill me in. Tomorrow night he will open his gift from the 4 of us, since Craig is gone so early in the morning (don't say he can wait - no kid can/should). Wednesday morning he will open the rest of his gifts. We (2 of us) are going to have lunch together - he wants to go to one of our fancier restaurants - McDonald's. Wednesday night he wants to have quesadillas for supper or go to the movies. Tomorrow I'm going to make a chocolate cake. That's it.

Well - that's all I have for you.

Have a great rest of the day...


Saturday, 10 November 2007

Let's Get This Party Started!

Happy Saturday!

t- 21 hours

We are almost ready and you know me, I am obsessively organized. The lists have been made and everything is lined up, ready to go. I just thought I would post a few pictures of some of the stuff we are doing for the party. I won't be able to post pictures of the party here as I wouldn't want someone posting pictures of my kids on their blog. I am sure you are sick of hearing about this but I am so EXCITED! that I just have to share some of the cool things we have thought up:

Each kid gets a t-shirt (yellow, orange, blue, green or grey - Andreyana gets pink). They will pull them out of a bag so they don't know what color they will get. They will then each get a canteen with a piece of card stock on it with their shirt color. They will also each get a torch that they will create a tag for so that we know whose is whose. The brown bags each have their color stapled to them and inside are puzzle pieces that the kids will have to put together without the box (first challenge). In the back next to the Tupperware bowls are Lego Racers that they will have to build and race. There is also a word search that has all their names in it and some survivor words.

Craig found the logo and altered it to Sterling's specifications. I think he did a great job. I printed the logo out on transfer paper and ironed it on to each shirt.

Isn't the cake amazing? They did a fabulous job and Sterling just loves it!

We are finishing it up with McDonald's gift cards for each of the kids as their loot bags. I didn't want to spend all that money and time picking out dollar store items for loot bags when I know for myself that I just pitch those things anyway. The GC all kids can use.

One last thing - I HARDLY slept last night I was thinking about the party so much and I still have another night left. Yeesh, I'm worse than my 10 year old.

Wish us luck - we might just need it!


PS - mom - Sterling started off slow but ended high in bowling. Easily discouraged but rallied back. Today was "Beat my Coach" day and he did, so he has another badge to add to his shirt. He also got his name announced today for a high score last week. He loved that!

Friday, 9 November 2007


Countdown to SURVIVOR party - t - 44hrs

t-shirts with logo - check
canteens - check
torches - check
cake ordered - check
chocolate chip cookies - check
puzzles - check
paper bags - check
prizes - check
personalized word search - check
plates and napkins - check
challenges - check

sanity - ........

Here's to the big 10 - how can that be?

Thursday, 8 November 2007

bah humbug

So, we have already bought the boys' major gift. However, we are still in need of some ideas for small things (and Santa).

Craig: "What do you want for Christmas?"
Kaedo: "More Webkinz"
Craig: "Anything else?"
Kaedo: "Some bouncy balls"

Craig: "How about you, Sterling?"
Sterling: "Some art stuff"

Note to self - poke self in eye repeatedly with fork instead of asking for gift ideas. It is less painful.

Wednesday, 7 November 2007

Did you know?????

40% of McDonald's profits come from Happy Meals

The largest toy distributor in the world is McDonald's

If all the Coca-Cola vending machines in the US were stacked up one on top of each other the pile would be 450 miles high

A snail can sleep for 3 years

A pregnant goldfish is called a twit (some pregnant women are called the same thing)

Hummingbirds can't walk

Tuesday, 6 November 2007

Jessica - you done good work!

new light fixture for the dining room - it rocks!

new color, mirrors and picture in front entry

chalkboard fridge - we did this - perfect for tic tac toe and hangman
new light fixture in kitchen - gorgeous

green curtains - a bit of Spring in the Fall
new "tiles" and tea towels - brightens it up, doesn't it?
my wall of fame - the most beautiful kids in the world - all four of them! Love the stripe and the armoire

Thanks again, Lavigne/Beach family. We love it - you rock!