Monday, 30 July 2007

lululemon propaganda, um, I mean manifesto. Ya, that's it, manifesto.

Sunday, 29 July 2007


what are you waiting for? i said NOW!

Happy Sunday?

Hi All - how is everyone? All is well here. Craig is busy doing his thing and I am contemplating cleaning my office. Yesterday afternoon and evening was spent in Peterborough with the boys and mom and dad. What a great time we had. We had the opportunity to take a boat tour which took us up and down the world's largest hydraulic lift lock. It was amazing and dad was in his glory. It was great. The captain of the ship was also the "entertainment" and passed on lots of interesting information about the history of Peterborough as well as some great one-liners. We followed that up with a picnic in the park where we feasted on buns - thanks mom - as well as watermelon, cherries (with a pit spitting contest), oranges, chocolate chip cookies and muffins. It was great. Craig and dad lined up the chairs for the concert and mom, the boys and I headed out to the zoo. What a cool place. The zoo is free and there is a great playground, and an even better splash park. There was a little girl playing in the splash park that had no clothes on and the boys were mortified. They couldn't believe her mom would allow that. Truly mortified. We headed back to the park and got settled in for a Johnny Cash tribute concert. I am not a real fan of Johnny Cash - all his songs seemed to sound the same to me. In saying that, I had a blast. The music was loud, the singer was good, the crowd was enthusiastic and we were with some very special people. We left at intermission after NOT winning the 50/50. Boo. Ended up missing our turn-off as we were busy looking at a restaurant that some friends told us we just "had to try". Got home and shortly after crawled into bed.
Today we are just hanging out - not too much to do. Sometimes that's just perfect.
Hope all is well,

Friday, 27 July 2007

playing...well not really

Design team projects time again. Layouts etc are due at the end of the month and since it is back to full power work schedule on Monday, I thought I would get this done this morning. Something new for me - working in a circle. Kinda like it. Mom - show the boys, OK? Love to scrap for myself. I say that because I get all these layouts back after they have been displayed, and I am able to put them into my book. That's about it today. Nothing interesting. Sorry, no pooping dogs,

Thursday, 26 July 2007

Taking Requests

Well, Shannon has delegated the blogging duties tonight and since Ketchup can't type, I guess it'll have to be me.

So Mom, as per your request, here are some pictures of our loveable dog doing what he does best. You wouldn't believe how hard it is to get him to shit on command, in fact we had to walk him around the park for quite some time waiting, maybe he had stage fright. At any rate, the neighbours must have thought we were crazy, either that or we have now just proved thier case as we followed our shitting dog around with a camera.

In all seriousness, here are some pics of the kids from the first half of their holidays.

Wednesday, 25 July 2007

Oh God

So, I'm back and I have gone into major avoidance. These are pictures of my office, and you can now see why I am avoiding. I have so much work to do. I am starting today (or so I keep telling myself). I'm really lazing on the couch, eating bonbons and having my feet rubbed by a Grecian god. Sorry Craig - anyway, you don't want to rub my feet, so this seems like the only option.
After working like a mad fiend for the last few weeks, the mess seems to have piled up and now I just can't move in here. To add to that, the brats were in here looking for stickers and paper for their scrapbooks and of course, the spoils of their search are still on the floor.

Took them to the meeting spot to meet amma and baba yesterday morning. Kaed was good to go, but Sterling was very upset. The emotions are two fold. I know he wants to go and get on with being the centre of attention for the next two weeks, but it also shows that he loves me and misses me. I already knew that, but a little ego stroking is good for me. Once we had a long talk and some soothing words, he was ready to go.

Won't be so long until we see them again. We are planning a trip to Peterborough on Saturday night for a concert in the park and fireworks. We will meet up with everyone and have a picnic and listen to music. I am hoping it all will work out and we will get the chance to do this. Rain, rain, stay away.

Tomorrow I am in Markham for a meeting and then will spend the rest of the week at home with my dog. Looking forward to it. OK - that's it for now. Sorry - I have no bike video, but I will try and get something together to astound and amaze you. Maybe the dog pooping?


Monday, 23 July 2007

Bike Abuse

One last post before I leave the blogging to the expert, Shannon.
I had to post some pics from our last bike ride, probably the reason Sterling's bike bit the dust. I hope this next bike is durable because he shows no mercy. I was very impressed with Kaeden's biking skills as well, he has suddenly lost his fear of jumps and was rockin' the BMX track with his brother.



Hi All - I'm Baaaccckkk. Poor you - Craig's posts are much better. Got back last night and have just been loving my time with the boys. They have changed even in the last 2 weeks. I think you don't notice it when you are with them everyday, but I really noticed it. Their hair has gotten longer, and they are even more hilarious - if that is possible, and lots of other things.

Sterling got an early birthday present from Amma and Baba today. His old bike bit the dust, so today he went with Amma and got a new one. They had a good time and had an excellent clerk helping them. They were both impressed. The color is a bit scary, but it matches with his helmet, so there you go.

Not writing too much today, just this as Sterling wanted me to post these pictures he took.

Hope you are all well,


Saturday, 21 July 2007

'Dog Days' of Summer

Well, we're back from a busy day at the dog days and it's safe to say the kids had a great time. We stayed from 10:30 until 3 and saw everything from Dock Dogs (picture of dog jumping in water for distance) to disc throwing and even the Super Dogs put on a couple of shows. You'll also notice Ketchup painted his own 'Paw-casso' which they are judging at the end of the weekend. Maybe he'll win and we can sell it for big bucks like that elephant who paints at the Calgary zoo. I think Ketchup had a good time, got to sniff a lot of butts. Sterling and Kaeden have now decided they both want a Chihuahua, can't be good for Ketchup's self esteem, as they saw some lady carrying her Chihuahua in a bag over her shoulder, a-la Paris Hilton. I don't think that's the reason they want one but I thought it worth mentioning as you have to feel sorry for dogs subjected to that.
Shannon comes back tomorrow and we are looking forward to that. I think the kids have scheduled me in for a long bike ride tomorrow so hopefully the weather holds up.
Until Tomorrow,

Friday, 20 July 2007

Wheely Dudes

One day gone by and the kids are already into their routine of biking on the street as much as possible. Sterling and Kaeden have both learned new tricks since they've been away and here is a sampling. Sterling has learned to 'catwalk' and Kaeden can now lift the tire on his new bike to clear the curb. He was always complaining that his new bike was too heavy, (I guess he's gotten stronger since he's been away, his Amma must be feeding him well)
Sterling crashed hard last night at about 10 o'clock as I was reading to them, but Kaeden on the other hand stayed up until midnight playing his Nintendo (at least that what he tells me, I was long since asleep by that time.)
It's been a good day all and all. Tomorrow we are planning to take in the 'Dog Days of Scugog', a big dog event in a town called Scugog (hence the name I guess). We are taking Ketchup as well so hopefully he doesn't freak out too much with all the people and dogs. I will try and take pictures to blog tomorrow. This blogging is harder than I thought, not sure if anyone is actually reading except for my parents and Denis and Irene. Since Shannon is away everyone probably thinks the blog is on hiatus. If nothing else it'll be something for Shannon to read when she gets back.

Thursday, 19 July 2007

Home for a Rest

Well, the boys are home for a bit and I got a fantastic greeting. So good to see them! It sounds like they are having a great time and it shows when they tell the stories about the trip. Sterling and I spent time going through all the pictures taken so far and he was telling me all about it. He was home 30 minutes by that point and felt the need to tell me 'I was really looking forward to coming home, but I'm bored now.' Nice. They proceeded to head outside and ride their bikes until they decided to see if the backyardigans wanted to join them which followed with an invite to swim in the pool. Sterling was still checking the temperature of the water while Kaeden had already come home, changed and go back over (just a bit excited) They haven't skipped a beat, in fact they are now downstairs watching TV. Kaeden decided tonight was the night he wanted to make gummy bugs (a present he got for his birthday) and they are at an advantage where I can't say no right now.

Tomorrow we are going to see Transformers, then maybe a bike ride, should be a fun day.

Until then,

Craig (guest blogger)

Wednesday, 18 July 2007


Well I've been cleaning furiously today, disinfecting every surface we may have touched after eating peanut butter and even those I'm sure didn't (the base of the toilet bowl), of course, who am I to say what Shannon does when I'm not around. (She'll be sorry for asking me to guest host the blog :)

While I was at it I took the opportunity to tidy the kids rooms. (Shannon will say I'm obsessed with it but really I just like to be able to walk in there without impaling my foot on a jagged toy) As I was going through Sterling's room, I noticed the framed picture he had from Kelly and Petrica's wedding of all the 'boys'. I thought it was misaligned in the frame so I took it apart only to find he had folded the picture so only he was showing. Since it was a picture of just the boys, it must have been a day when he was pissed with either me or Kaeden, too funny. I should probably think its obnoxious if I wasn't laughing so hard.
On a positive note, I also found a couple of notes Kaeden wrote to Sterling (they weren't exactly hidden so I figure they're fair game for the blog), one said "I love you with all my hart hi Sterling your the best from Kaeden". Such great kids and according to their Amma they are getting along great!

Finally, in honor of the new Simpsons movie and the fact I have nothing better to do with my time, I took the opportunity to 'Simpsonize' my family.
Simply visit and follow the directions. Takes awhile especially during peak times but the pictures at the beginning of this post is what we would look like if we were to appear on a Simpson's epsiode 'Aye Carumba!'.

Off to see the Wizard

Hi All -
Heading out shortly to Chicago. Nervous, as always, but I know everything will go well. I am hoping to get Craig to guest host the blog over the next few days, so stay tuned. Hope you are all well,

Monday, 16 July 2007

You can say you knew him when...


I know some of you wonder if some of my little stories are real. They are. I promise. In saying that, I have another for you.
Today I was in Wal-Mart using the washroom. I walk in and start walking down the row of stalls. I come to one and push on the door. Well, a woman must have been leaning over wiping her butt because when I pushed on the door it smacked her on the head, and all I could here was,"f***, f***, f***. Well, I virtually ran down the row looking for another stall and quickly jumped in so she wouldn't see me. I don't think I have ever laughed so hard. Good thing I was going to the bathroom for I surely would have wet my pants.

Sunday, 15 July 2007

Happy Sunday?

Hello All -
Good day today. It's Sunday - am I really saying it was a good day? Craig and I have had a good day together. Aside from needing to work a bit (a lot) we were able to just hang out together. Nice. Heard from the boys this morning. Kaed was so happy to report that he rode 23 km yesterday on his bike. I was so thrilled to hear his voice and how happy he was with himself. He is having a great time. Sterling was happy to report that Kaed got in a fight. I spoke with mom and she tells me that wasn't the case, but Sterling thought telling me that would be a good idea. Brat. Hit a creativity snag so I thought I would write quickly then back at it for a while longer. Off to Markham in the morning and Craig is off to work bright and early. We don't have too much going on this week. I am leaving on Wednesday. Flight is at 8am, so Craig is driving me. Craig is going to clean the house and get organized on Wed and Thurs and the boys will be home on Thurs night. I get back on Sunday night and will get the chance to spend Monday with my monsters. Ya! Then they are off on the next leg of their adventure.
OK - well, blah, blah, blah. Not too much to tell you. I have something I plan to show tomorrow. I haven't got my shit together enough to post the picture tonight.
til then,

Saturday, 14 July 2007

6:50 am - first sale - kitchen table and chairs and 4 jackie collins books. He's going to sit at his new table and read smut tonight.

Friday, 13 July 2007

this is really it for today

Saw something funny this morning:
Driver Training Car.
Missing rear bumper.


2 posts in one day! That's what happens when you get up before the birds! My adorable niece. She's a cutie, isn't she? She even calls me "Anti". I love it.

Good Morning

Who the hell gets up this early - 6am (Laura). You people are NUTS! Ahhh well, another day of work. Craig is on the train right now, probably sleeping, and here I am. We are having our yard sale tomorrow. This is our first ever sale and yes I know, I collect more than enough things to have a sale every year. The house is even messier than usual - how can that be? you may say (mom). All our stuff is in the living room so we can just haul it out tomorrow morning. The Backyardigans are lending us some tables and we will bring the patio table out if we need to. Read an email from mom last night and she says that they arrived in Niagara on the Lake at 5pm and the boys were off playing with new friends at 5:30pm. To be so young and carefree. Love it! Thought I would show this picture. I took it out of an airplane window a few years ago. I think it is so cool. Imagine being a pilot and seeing that everyday. It would put a smile on your face.

Have a great day -


Thursday, 12 July 2007


All is well here. Better than the last few days, so that is good. I am busily creating many projects - about 30 - for my trip on Wednesday. They are turning out great. I work better when I'm down. Having a hard time getting going today, (must be feeling better) but have accomplished some layouts. The boys are doing great, and having such a wonderful time. They really enjoyed their last campground and are now on to Niagara Falls - one of Sterling's most favorite places. They will have a great time there and mom and dad have some adventures planned. The boys will be home next Friday for the weekend, and Craig is very excited to see them. I'm anxious too, but won't get to squeeze them until Sunday night when I return from Chicago. Kelly and Petrica are now in Romania and it sounds like they are having fun already. We will see them on the 31st and look forward to hearing all about their trip and meeting our beautiful nephew. Jessica sent me a CD with pictures of the mini monster but the blog wasn't cooperating today so I will try and do a montage of her tomorrow. Thanks for the photos, Jessica - they are great. I'm going to use some today or tomorrow.
Well, that's it for now.

Tuesday, 10 July 2007

It's all over

...but the cleaning.
I'm so done with peanut butter, I can't tell you. This is my favorite food, and has been for years. When Sterling travels we have always indulged in copious amounts of our fave legume. This year has been different. We have definitely consumed, but not in the carefree ways of years before. At least I can say that for myself. I am nervous, scared even. It has really clued into me this year that we are putting his life on the line doing this. So stupid. I was sitting at the kitchen table writing a list of every possible place that we may have touched (no, I don't mean it that way), and realize that I have a page long list. Things as simple as the computers, door frames, and door handles to laundry baskets, cutlery drawer and couches. We have eaten at the same place every time and we wash our hands after every meal but my stomach is aching with the fact that we have really been doing something stupid. So, no more for me. Not ever - I can't take the chance any longer. I would never forgive myself if something happened. I think many people say, "don't worry, it's not that bad, it'll be fine", etc, but that's not the case. Thank God I have woken up.

On a lighter note -

To My Boys -
Hello sweet loves, how are you? Your nightly calls are great and I love to hear about your adventures. I bet you're showing all the other kids how biking is really done. Have you been making bets on Mini Golf? Your dad and I miss you and are thinking of you. We're envious of all the sun and sand and swimming you have been into. Don't get used to it, though. You will be back to mowing the lawn, making supper and doing the laundry as soon as you get back. Be good to amma and baba and to each other. I love you, mom.

Monday, 9 July 2007

Sunday, 8 July 2007

Since you don't care at all but obviously have nothing better to read, I thought I would pass on some very important educational items. Once you have finished reading this you will be surprised that you ever functioned normally in society before you had this knowledge.

About Skippy Peanut Butter-
*Skippy Peanut Butter, one of America's favorite brands was first sold on February 1, 1933.
*Today, almost 90 million jars are sold annually. That's almost 3 jars every second!
*More Skippy has been sold than any other peanut butter in the world!
*Georgia is the #1 peanut producing state, but did you know that Texas is #2?
*Most of the peanuts used to make Skippy peanut butter are grown in Georgia, Texas, Florida and Oklahoma.
*Farmers (called growers) harvest the peanuts during September, October and November then sell them to companies known as peanut shellers.
*The shellers use special machines to remove the peanut kernels from the shells, clean and sort them by size.
*The makers of Skippy peanut butter buy peanuts from the shellers.
*The shellers then ship them to the peanut butter plant in railroad hopper cars.
*Each railroad car holds approximately 190,000 pounds of peanuts (about the weight of 16 elephants!)
*It takes almost 850 peanuts to make an 18 oz jar of peanut butter!

I know, I know, you can thank me later.

A note to my boys -

I don't know if you are reading this, guys, but I just wanted you to know that I love you and miss you. The house sure is quiet without you, and Ketchup is wondering where all the noise has gone. He is also curious as to why there are no crumbs under the kitchen table and seems quite miffed about this. I also wanted to let you know that dad hasn't murdalized your fish yet and that they are safe and sound on the kitchen table being fed daily (which is more than I can say when you are home). I know you are having a great time and look forward to hearing about your adventures. Don't wear amma and baba out too much!

I love you,


Saturday, 7 July 2007

A simple trick when crossing through customs:

"Did you purchase anything on your trip?"
"A box of tampons"
"Have a nice day."

Thursday, 5 July 2007

you know it's too early when...

You get out of the shower and wonder why your legs are still hairy - then realize you shaved with the cap still on your razor!

Wednesday, 4 July 2007

Card sharks

Hello All -
How has your Wednesday been? All is well here. We are officially ready for the boys to start their summer vacation. We will be leaving in the morning, heading out to Michigan. We are so looking forward to it. The trunk is full, the bikes are loaded and the Vue is safely enclosed in C&L's backyard so that I don't have to load and deal with the bikes by myself tomorrow morning. Thank you to both of you! You rock, and I'm not just saying that. Funny isn't it what kids decide to take with them on a trip. For instance, Sterling is taking about 5 dollies, Pokemon cards, magic set, paper and pen, mini sticks, and a baseball bat and ball. Kaeden is taking his orange belt, his broken board, his kicking paddle, his yellow belt attendance sheet, Baby, Pokemon cards and that's it. Have I mentioned lately that he is odd? He's odd.
Have a few small things to do tomorrow - make picnic, buy unders for Sterling, go get truck out of the pawn shop, get gas .... We want to be on the road by 10 at the latest.
Won't be posting tomorrow but will try to on Friday. Maybe Craig will put in an appearance????

Talk soon -

Tuesday, 3 July 2007

Flintstone's Song

Happy Anniversary Happy Anniversary Happy Anniversary HAAAAAppy Anniversary! Happy happy happy happy happy anniversary....and on and on and on. Thank god I haven't put this to music. Three anniversaries to celebrate. Stan and Shirley - 39 years (who knew you were so old?) and mom and dad- 42 years (it's true, blindness does make the heart grow fonder) and lastly - the most important anniversary of the month - the peanut butter anniversary. It was a year ago this week that we last had a tasty, mouth gumming up morsel of God's gift to earthlings. Praise the Lord - Thursday is almost here. Oh ya - we'll miss the kids, too.

Hope you are all well,


Sunday, 1 July 2007

Canada Day

Hello All - Happy Canada Day! We hope you are having a good day wherever you are and whatever you are doing. We hope there are some fireworks in your day.