Friday 4 May 2012

Week 32

Friday already - can't believe it. I am still neurotic about getting these photos but often they don't show up on the correct day. Let's face it - usually they don't. Cool week this week. Kids were wearing their coats to school and we had rain and a wicked lightning storm last night. Caused a power outage and everything. Craig is off today so I had the great opportunity to spend the entire afternoon with him, without the kids. The boys are no problem to have around but it is nice to get a chance just to go out the two of us. We did some groceries, ran some errands, just hung out. It was great. Craig has gone to the gym now and while school is over I don't think the kids are coming up this way anytime soon. Kaedo rode his scooter to school today because he had a date to go scootering at a friend's house after school, so we probably won't pick him up until dark. Sterling rode his bike to school today and left it in N's garage during school. He just texted me asking if he could go biking with his buddies. A big Hell Yes! from me as I love that the wonderful weather has made it possible for them to be outside. Here's hoping Video Game Season is over! No soccer this weekend - YAHOO - as they are on their Monday/Thursday summer schedule. LOVE IT! Hoping for a wonderful weekend that is the lead up to a WONDERFUL few weeks with mom and dad coming on Tuesday and then Jessica and the girlies coming on the 18th! I'm so lucky!

1 comment:

GrmpaGrmma said...

You guys are getting way too grown up looking - more handsome every week as well!

Nice you and Craig had some time together - all before you know it, there will be just the two of you together - the years fly by way to fast.

We woke up to a dull, dreary Saturday morning and it just started spitting rain awhile ago. Stan's off the take garbage to the dump and called first to see if it's dry enough to take garbage there. We've had lots of rain this past week. Sure hope it starts warming up pretty quick. My bleeding heart bush already has some little hearts on it - it loves the corner it's in and seems way ahead of other plants coming up. I just planted my sweet peas yesterday but it wasn't very warm out doing it. They are pretty tough so should do okay.

We had another late Canasta night last night over at Gord & Sandra's. Lots of fun and laughter and didn't get home till just before 2:00 a.m.! Got to sleep in this morning though so that was good.

Hope everyone has a great weekend - BIG HUGS TO ALL!