Saturday 26 May 2012

just under the wire

Talk about last minute! I looked on my calendar this morning and realized that as far as the calendar says, today is the last day of the week. I don't think I've ever been so late in posting our gnome photo before - let alone taking it!!!! Sterling went to volunteer at an event this morning and Kaedo thought he would be busy this afternoon when Sterling was finished so we headed to where Sterling was and took this weeks picture. For those of you wondering - I did text Sterling first to see if it would be ok for us to come to him and we was fine with it. Thank goodness! No grumbling about having the picture taken yet either. I know we may be close to the day one of them may balk but I'm keeping my fingers crossed that that day is somewhere in the far distance. The weather was beautiful here today and Craig and I got the opportunity to spend some time together while Sterling was busy and Kaedo was chill-axing. It was very nice. Sterling has been out biking but is very tired after a day in the sun. Kaedo has been playing football and soccer with Craig and the jury is out as to who kicked who's ass. All I know is that they both had fun.


GrmpaGrmma said...

Great weekly photo once again. Looks like your weather is beautiful and as we were telling Craig earlier, ours sucks!! Our two rain barrels and 4 - 5 gallon pails are full and overflowing. Rain gauge shows 1" and tempis +1. My poor plants have been inside the garage since Wednesday and not sure when I'll get them out. They need some sunshine and so do I!!!

Hope you all have a great week - BIG HUGS TO EVERYONE!

Denis & Irene said...

Wow! Where has the time gone? We've been so busy doing renovations that I haven't checked the blog for a few days. Great photo of our two favorite grandsons.

We have lovely weather here today but rain has been the norm for the last couple of days. I really like your weather best.

Hope you enjoyed your volunteer work Sterling. That kind of participation looks great on a resume. Can't believe you're getting to the age and inclination that you feel a job would be a good thing. Really, where has the time gone?

Love to all