Saturday 12 May 2012

Happy 40th to Me!

Happy Birthday to Me! I've been told that I wasn't born until almost midnight, but I am going to celebrate the whole day - after all, you only turn 40 once, right? I must admit that I can't believe I am 40. I don't feel 40. I don't think I look 40 (and if you think I do, keep it to yourself - ha!). There is nothing better than being surrounded by loved ones on your special day. Who am I kidding, it's awesome any day. I am looking forward to today. Mom and dad are here celebrating with me - truly the best parents anyone could ever have. I am eternally grateful for having them as my mom and dad. Craig will be around (aside for a brief stint at football)which is always awesome. I will be with my boys, being so glad they still want to be with me and will receive many calls from loved ones. I will also get to spend the day in the sun watching Kaedo play his first soccer games of the season in tournament play. So looking forward to that. Last but not least I'll get my favorite supper - Linguini and Clam Sauce and mom has made a chocolate sour cream cake. Could that be any better? I don't think so. Turning 40 doesn't bother me. I have no concerns about being older. I'm not worried about my grey streaked hair. I have heard so many stories about how people hid out when they turned a milestone year but not me. I am shouting from the rooftops, I am thrilled to bits. I have so many wonderful things in my life that I just don't see a down side to being 40. So here's to 40 - I'd like to just grab you and give you a big smooch! Did I mention I'm going to Vegas?


GrmpaGrmma said...

HAPPY 40TH BIRTHDAY TO YOU SHANNON!! Wishing you a wonderful day today Shannon and may happiness surround you all year round. Wished we were celebrating with you but know that we are thinking of you on your special day. Love you tons - Stan & Shirley

Annette said...

Happy Birthday Shannon! Great to hear you have a fun, family filled day planned! When are you going to Vegas? Jeremy's parents, brother and SIL leave tomorrow for there.

Maybe I'll have to go for my 40! Jeremy and I were going to combine our birthday and Christmas presents last year and take a trip to Vegas, but we got a special, unexpected surprise instead! ;)

Denis & Irene said...

The days are flying and I haven't cooked this much in years. I am enjoying it though, walking to the market and having a larger type teenager come with me to carry things home. Fun tournament today with one loss and one tie. Early supper as we're all going to the Avengers tonight. Had a lovely visit with Denis's sister and bro-in-law last night. Don't have to be at the field until 10.30 a.m. tomorrow so we can sleep in until 8 or so. Weather is sunny and warm then cloudy and cool but it's not raining or snowing.

Love to all